Grim Dawn Version v1.2.1.0 + Hotfixes

omg i have to w8 2h hrs oh the humanity ill go play tell then.

Are spear-type weapons a new class now? Or is it just the animation change for ‘spear-like’? I saw the new spears in the Grim Misadventures so I know they’re coming, but wondering if that will wait for FoA.

Outside of the Korvan Halberds and Camel Spear MIs, what else is spear-type? Can’t think of any off the top of my head.

I guess I’ll find out in an hour and a half, but I wanna know now!! So pumped!

Grim Dawn’s latest major content update is now available on Steam and GOG (coming later this week to Xbox). Enjoy!


excited reanimator noises

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the mods are gonna be broken and not work in 1 hr
so just come to base game and play new patch with me
wartec prime is room name im lvl 6
bring something lvl 30 or lower
3 spots open if anyone wnna join

Am I crazy or did they do something with stun resist? I swear it made sense before the patch, but now 27% stun resist only results in 5% more stun resistance.

Nevermind. I think I see. It still says stun, but it’s supposed to be physical resist.

Stun resistance is in the third page of the character screen now, physical resistance was moved to the first page with the primary resistances.


well… it’s not available for me in France
ok I have confused the new patch and the big DLC for the future nevermind

@Zantai, There is not so critical and can wait v1211, so I don’t want to create one more new topic for this:

Russian Translation mistakes and issues v1.2.1.0

  1. Unifying tags, lowercase letter instead of capital letter:
    From: tagTwoHandedSpear=[ns]Двуручное копьё
    To: tagTwoHandedSpear=[ns]двуручное копьё

  2. SHORT DASH !!!
    From: tagHUDDesc23=Показывать подробную информацию о предметах, например параметры компонентов и примесей, а также дарованные умения (по умолчанию – удерживать клавишу Ctrl).
    To: tagHUDDesc23=Показывать подробную информацию о предметах, например параметры компонентов и примесей, а также дарованные умения (по умолчанию - удерживать клавишу Ctrl).

Can we know by how much in average (%) you nerfed physical damage from mobs, and especially celestials (Ravager, Lokarr, Callagadra) ?
Because despite the intention of rebalancing the whole phys res loot/perk system, it does seem to me that you simply killed various niche builds like Warlock Callidor’s Tempest, where phys res could be gathered here and there (AoG is nerfed by 30% wtf ?). CT is made to facetank; but Celestials still phys hit like truck and sunder damage is higher ? Wow.

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What’s exactly the planning behind this pet nerf? Are they going to receive a buff next patches?

I mean, yeah, you said the nerf to items was compensated by pet’s vanilla stats being increased but it still feels like a big nerf to most pet builds.

Just glad Grim Dawn runs properly on Linux now. Did not the first time. I am actually waiting for the new DLC before playing again. There are 2 weapon types that irk me a little bit. Shield users. Well not as much as I see tanks are just good in multiplayer. The main one is a two-hander. Yes I do play mods but it feel, everything a two-hander can do, others classes can do better. This is just my opinion, other opinions may differ. (PS I love two-handers in all my arpgs)

I like the recent item highlight thing,however i dont get why items have ‘‘hold ctrl to show detailed info’’ it isnt doing anything and the item tooltips are as usual

Pets stronger than ever

“Why’d you nerf pets?”

Yup…sounds like another update.



it’s great to see the continuing support for Grim Dawn! I’ve noticed a couple of bugs with this update: Physical Resist is showing as Stun Resist on the character sheet page 1, and the “real” Stun resist is no longer in the character sheet that I can see. I’ve also lost the detailled augment info on my inventory, only the augment name shows… I hope that helps!! Thanks.

update your rainbow filter
*or verify game files

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Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

They’re not bugs. Physical resistance has moved to the spot Stun resist occupied and you can now find Stun resistance on the 3rd page of the character sheet.

And you need to hold the control key to see detailed info now.

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Ah, I was wondering if Rainbow might be the problem. Thanks mate I will update Rainbow.

vanilla display

Hi, have reset Rainbow and all is showing properly now! Thanks for your help!