Grim Dawn Version v1.2.1.0 + Hotfixes

yo i got question can u make shamans procs work with one handed guns in guntank mode and in gunslinger mode that would be beastly.

also what do i gotta do to stop being just an intitiate lol

That was just a carry over from the old forum. New one doesn’t give titles like that.

Jesus Christ this patch is gigantic. Thanks for the hard work dudes. I will definitely be diving back in to check the patch ASAP.

This is due to the mod creator (at least in the case of the mod we looked at, can’t speak for others) leaving several new data fields blank (minNewItemAlpha and maxNewItemAlpha in records/ui/character/characterinventory/inventory_grid0.dbr and records/ui/character/characterinventory/inventory_grid1.dbr) that should be filled in.

So, no, Crate did not break any mods. However, we will add a failsafe in v1.2.1.2 to prevent a crash from occurring due to such a data entry error.


Thank you for your precise reply. After actual testing, the problem has been perfectly solved! :100: :ok_hand:

Hello there,
are there still no new news, when we can expect the update on xbox?

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When Microsoft decides to respond to us and literally give us file access to the branding they want us to append to the ancient trailers. Or better yet, for someone over there to realize how stupid this all is and push the update through cert.

This is unfortunately entirely out of our hands presently and we can’t even give an ETA. It’s just as frustrating for you as it is for us!


Oh wow… well played microsoft -.- … response times from hell.

Hotfix 2 is now going live on Steam, coming soon to GOG.

We unfortunately still do not have an ETA for the Xbox version of the game receiving these updates. We will let the community know when we have some positive news on that front.

V1.2.1.2 Hotfix 2


  • Fixed an issue with some search parameters not working in search boxes.
  • Fixed an issue where Doom Bolt without a cooldown would not properly scale with cast speed. This also addresses an issue where auto attacks could occur between casts of no cooldown Doom Bolt if it was bound to LMB.
  • Added a failsafe for new UI data entry fields that could cause mods to crash if they were not properly filled in.


  • Fixed an issue where Alkamos would not correctly display his Sunder warning.
  • Fixed an issue where Shadow Strike would play the wrong animation with two-handed swords.
  • Fixed an issue with some missing localization text in all languages.
  • Fixed an issue where using the Aether variant of the Stun Jacks Conduit of Destructive Whispers with the transmuter would not update the visuals.
  • Updated ambient sound effect for Wind Devils.

Would us Xbox players getting on social media and bugging their accounts about it help in anyway?


My Trozan druid thanks you, I thank you, and my headphones thank you for the Wind Devils change. That little gale rush on summon and then the audio fading to that faint ambient wind is (chef’s kiss) perfect.

They sound much better now, thanks a lot!


Is there any chance that we can check the nemesis spawn progression? I am farming beasts and aetherials about equally in each session and so far i got few Kubacabra spawns and 0 Valdaran spawns…Does the progression resets each session or does it accumulates until you get a spawn?

It resets each session.

Would be nice to make a list of the best farming spot or similar, maybe? Kubacabra has a lot of farming spot, like the maw of ehnat, while bastion of chaos (even without a skeleton key) is good for grava or benjy etc. etc.

I think that by clearing two areas reasonably populated by the targeted faction plus doing a couple of totems you can consistently spawn nemesis.

I’ve been doing a bit of dermapteran slicer farming, and i get Kubacabra in EVERY SINGLE session: NO exceptions.

Sometimes (more rare) even BEFORE entering the caves, but usually in one of the caves.

Is there such a farming spot for the other Nemesis?

Since this change

no, they can spawn anywhere in the game.

It’s a great improvement! Nemesis farming isnnt really worth it when you have SR for MI’s, now the campain is attractive as well.

that’s right, it’s a very good area for kuba especially if you are farming gollus rings.

In malmouth, last portal, it’s very easy to spawn alexander too, all the area is full of mob.