Grim Dawn Version v1.2.1.0 + Hotfixes

Valdaran: Port Valbury, he usually spawns before you enter through the locked gates. If not, you just need to kill a handful more mobs.
Alternatively: While farming Aether crystals, do the route in Warden’s cellar, then follow it up with either Stonerend Quarry or right side of Necropolis or the Desolation. He’ll spawn usually at the end of the 2nd area.

Reaper of the Lost: Barrowholm basement. Haven’t seen him spawn anywhere else yet, but there’s also nothing else worth farming, where he could spawn.

Moosilauke: Steps of Torment, Arkovian Undercity, Coliseum (hidden area in Twin Falls)

Kaisan: Almost any area in the 2nd half of FG will spawn him when you reach near the end. Or farm some Eldritch totems.

Grava’Thul, Benn’Jahr: Tomb of Koorvak (will usually spawn either one of the two), Bastion of Chaos (will always spawn both)

Zantarin/Iron Maiden: You have to clear Tomb of the Archon and sometimes (rarely) still go to Fort Haron afterwards. Seems a bit harder to spawn, there just aren’t enough mobs and they don’t have another “dangerous domain”.

Fabius: Haven’t tested, I imagine Rutnick’s area will be the place to go.


doesn’t spawn anywhere else fwiw

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Yes, basically any dangerous area does the trick. It’s even a bit overtuned, I often fight Moosi way before going through the locked gates in Steps of Torment.

All i want in GD is move with keyboard…


If feels weird not constantly casting it now lol

You are in for a treat my friend.


It used to take a PhD in Grim Dawn to efficiently farm nemesis bosses. Now it’s much more intuitive. I’m a bit disappointed that I have all that uses “old nemesis spawn points” info in my head, but the new system is far better.


you can still do that btw :wink: - it has no cooldown now :grin:

Thanks :smiley:

maybe you also could post this on twitter, so we can link and tweet-spam the shit out of them…

this need to be seen :person_shrugging:


It’s starting to get traction on Reddit after a post made about it today. So maybe something will come of it!



are devs already annoy the shit out of them? i guess just “waiting” won’t do the trick here :person_shrugging::thinking:

Its so annoying . . .

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I’m not seeing stats displayed for augments and special abilities on gear anymore. Is that an intended change?

You need to press ctrl to show that. There’s also a toggle in the interface tab in options to show the whole tooltip at all times (detailed item tooltips).

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There’s this one too on the Xbox sub:

I found this comment interesting:

I’ve made their case aware to the Xbox team.

Additionally, if you have contact with the devs (via discord, forums, LinkedIn… Anywhere else), suggest to them to join the MSFT Dev discord Microsoft Game Dev and to reach out to @fly1ngsqu1rr3l who agreed to personally assist.

The support channels for them are there, so I’m not sure what they’re saying the holdup really is. If the game is old, it might still be on the Xbox One SDK, so it will need migrating to GDK, but that’s very easy to do, and again that discord can give guidance.

I’m sure the devs here know a lot more than any of us, but if they aren’t in the MSFT Dev discord maybe joining it and reaching out the that @fly1ngsqu1rr3l person would help?

Sorry official employees if that’s overstepping, I’m just trying to help.


Ah I missed that in patch notes. ty

GD is old enough that it was never meant to be on anything other than PC. They’ve done a LOT more work updating things than we ever anticipated, to the point that it’s on Xbox (and PS I assume) now, but those are likely to lag behind steam updates by a week or 2 anytime something major comes out. It’s just a matter of player base, most people bought it long ago on steam so that gets more attention, or at least it gets first attention if that makes any sense. They don’t leave us hanging though, if they said they’ll get it done then they’ll get it done.

This reminds me of the humble bundle vs steam discussions from many years ago. Back then it was the same game but steam still got first attention. It’s nobody’s fault, but the devs have been using a shoestring budget to paint this masterpiece, then repaint it, then touch it up, etc etc for over a decade now. I’m just really impressed that we keep getting patches and we’re on our 3rd expansion (after they swore we’d only get 1 expansion!).

Respectfully, the devs have already said what the issue was and it’s MSFT not doing their part by communicating and sending the required files they need.

Also, no playstation version. Sony didn’t show interest in having it on their platform when the devs were reaching out to have it ported to console.

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