Game frequently crashes

Haven’t played in a while and since I have time lately I got back into it. Unfortunately the game now crashes within 15-20 minutes of launching the game. Haven’t been able to tell what it is that does it. Happens rather indiscriminately. It does not crash and generate a report screen like it used to earlier last year when I played. I just get a spinning wheel and the game crashes outright. Is there a location for crash reports or any kind of logs that generate from a crash? Want to play but can’t.

If this helps. Windows 10. 1080 Ti. Ryzen 9 3900x.

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What version/build are you running?
New settlement or are you loading one created in an older version?

Have you tried verifying game files/updating drivers?

Is this an old save or a new town?

I’ve been having the same issue with this latest version, 9.6e. As well as stuttering movement. New mapsmade with 9.6e.

Drivers are up to date. Reinstalled FF multiple times. Verified files. Happens on old and new towns. What ever the current version that is out for the game is the one I am running.

Please share your dxdiag then:

The game is also probably generating crash logs. These can be found in:

This folder may be set to hidden by default in your folder options, so make sure to enable hidden items. Inside this directory, you will find a folder called Crash_Date_Bunch of Numbers (ex. Crash_2022-08-02_171459771.

I no longer have this crashing problem. I had used my favorite seed from a large map on a medium map. Seems this causes problems. I used it again on a large map and no issues whatsoever.

What’s the seed?

87349C65E67 Sometimes I change the last 4 to vary the mountains and water. When used in a large map it has mountain ranges with minerals. When used in a medium map those mountains are cut in half. It’s not the usual border of the valley. Not sure if that makes a difference but it doesn’t seem to scale down in a good way.

Here is my dxdiag

I could not find any folders named like you described in that location by the way.

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Hi RooTxBeeR,

Thanks for sending in your DxDiag.txt file. I think the reason that you’re not getting any crash logs is because you seem to be having a hardware crash right before (or right as) Farthest Frontier is starting. I think both are crashing so early in the process, Farthest Frontier doesn’t even get to the point where it can hook and log a crash dump. If you scroll down in your DxDiag.txt you’ll see a LiveKernelEvent crash (id of 141) happening right before FF is being reported as crashing.

Obviously they are related, but this usually this (the Live KernelEvent 141) means a hardware/driver crash of some type. I’d guess graphics driver.

Check out this Microsoft support post with a similar thing going on.

His discovery was if he swapped out his graphics card with another one, his crash went away. Of course it could be drivers, etc.

If at all possible, I would ensure you are running the latest graphics drivers for your graphics card, ensure any/all overclocking utilities are removed. Maybe even re-install graphics drivers if you are at the current version.

It’s frustrating, I know. Hopefully you can find some sort of configuration that works for you.