In the mean time you are not gonna like what I have to say lol
It is not the game it is your PC. Before you yell at me hear me out.
thousands play the game without issue.
you are the first to report an actual reboot.
It is impossible for an app to cause a reboot directly.
(it has to go through the system power manger)
it doesn’t matter that other games run fine. They simply do
not trigger the hardware issue. (unity engine mega stress test)
A reboot is a serious low level event. It means the OS/PC
could not recover. This is worse than a blue screen.
Driver issue most of time is not the cause because the system most of the
time can recover enough to at least give you option to restart.
a virus could be doing this but it sounds like you know enough to have that covered.
My guess you are overclocking and your RAM is faulting. I suggest you restart with default
CPU/GPU/RAM speeds and see what happens. If it runs fine then you know the OC is faulty.
As Groovy has pointed out, a game cannot reboot your PC on its own. That is a symptom of a larger issue. It is possible since the game is not fully optimized that it is stressing your system in some way that is pushing it to fail. It could be RAM, the power supply, an issue with an overclock, etc.
BTW - The reason I think it is OC and thus ram is you said water cooled so odds are your CPU
is fine and GPU should be fine at the start screen. However you said, “Tried to disable xmp ram profile …”
yeah not a good sign. So directly from the OC or a sep RAM profile that you can not
disable, points to RAM issue.
Since the game is ram read/write mega heavy at the end of the progress bar I can see
a RAM fault happening easily here.
remove the OC and the ram profile. what happens? Sadly not much you can do
other than stress test and in this case de-stress lol
I have the same issue. My computer keeps rebooting. It was fine at first but after at few days of playing it started rebooting. I’m not much of a computer wiz, but found some comments on it being the auto save function that did the reboot, so I disabled autosave. Worked for a while but now it’s back to rebooting.
I have 16 GB RAM…
The game reboots sometimes after only a few minutes of gameplay, thus I don’t think it’s overheating.
I have around 200 population.
What could be the issue? Thankful for any replies since I love the game and would like to continue playing
you are not gonna like what I have to say lol
It is not the game it is your PC.
are the two top hard reboot offenders.
Power supply and other hardware can do it but rare. Drivers almost never cause a
hard reboot. When a driver faults the OS can recover 99% of the time. At least enough
to close everything and flush the caches. You want to check the PC logs. If a soft reboot
it will show it and why/who caused it. If no log entry then it was a hard reboot and
a hardware issue.
Easiest thing to check is heat. if fine then get a stress test app and run it before you go to bed.
Also ram test via the built in ram tester works well.
don’t run a bench mark app run a stress app. It is NOT the same thing.
remember an app can NOT cause a hard reboot. When was last time
you tested ram? It could fail at any time.
yeah hard reboot then. Since your other post you said you stress tested ram etc…
and not heat issue then yeah I’d check the power supply next.
Also notice that during brown outs when everyone has ac on
the current drop is quite large. A power supply that is on the edge
or too small can go off for a mirco second if it can’t supply the needed