
Not your math, the math of the first post I quoted. I used your 50/50 as a quote because I also think that is pretty close to the drop rate from just clearing the area :wink:

I never kill Direni nowadays - Cronley’s gang reputation is the hardest to gain, so adding a boss to your runs helps a lot. I tried it out btw, and even if I confront him with both the book and the key in my inventory, there is no option to say to him that you already know about his bargaining chip.

I had to comment on this, because this is either masterful trolling or some whiny millenial who probably would have jumped out of a window having to play an RPG in the nineties when we had no internet walkthroughs and often no in-game maps to help out if you were stuck… :smiley:
Seriously, declaring the game broken and unplayable over this is just… wow.

Newflash, you can simply get the key from Direni if you blackmail him with the information you find based on a Bloodsworn diary in Burrwitch. If you spent 3 days trying to find the place, you probably had to have found that book. And he is quite in your face about what he offers if you keep quiet about it AND also tells you where the door is.
But even if you instead kill him, the key drops often 2-3 times if you kill the Bloodsworn around the cave. In fact I often found the key when killing the Bloodsworn in Wightmire already.
But frankly I have really no idea how you get to gain Respected with Devil’s Crossing and get Bounties BEFORE you have gotten to Burrwitch. You can only gain reputation by doing quests since you cannot go West yet to meet and kill Cronley’s gang. The game is not designed that way that you would get this bounty (or any Bounty) before you reach Burrwitch, even if you get a Writ from another character.

You declaring the game broken because of this is the most infantile ridiculous thing I heard all day. Thanks a lot, I needed a laugh. :smiley:

Okay, normally I wouldn’t bother responding to something like this because, frankly I don’t care what people think of me or my ability to play a game. On the other hand, most of the responses reiterated the fact that the key was easy to obtain. I beg to differ. The key was not easy and since the chance was RANDOM, I found this to be way more frustrating than it needed to be, especially since the reward was a measly 175 points.

And for the above poster, hardly a millennial. Hardly new to computer games. I had my first computer in 1983 and learned to program, although my younger brother was 100% better at that particular aspect. Tying a quest (bounty) that cannot be cleared or dropped to a randomly dropped item is a poor design decision. Unnecessarily frustrating.

I retired last February and have a ton of free time on my hands. Grim Dawn is a nice time-sink, but that does not mean that I have to enjoy frustrating game mechanics. Hopefully the Dev’s look at these posts and consider making changes to the game. Either way, it is no big deal, quest finished, points earned and moving on. Frankly, in my opinion, the best response was the comment on running Crowley’s for a huge faction gain. Takes the need to do bounties right out of the picture.

To be honest the DC reputation isn’t that important because the faction items are level-locked anyway. Gaining the reputation faster than your leveling is pretty useless. And yes the act two gives you lots of DC reputations by pitching you against Cronley’s gang.

Also, you are not supposed to be able to farm max reputation in normal difficulty. It’s certainly doable, but without a really good reason. Getting max DC reputation by ultimate act 2 is good enough I think, which means three walkthroughs for most of the reputation-giving quests.

Funny you should mention “getting max DC reputation by Ultimate Act 2”.

Maybe Crate should be more clear on this aspect of the game. I purchased Grim Dawn, Crucible and Malmouth pretty much all at the same time. And I assumed that you went from one DLC to the other in sequence. Quickly learned that Crucible is more or less a stand-alone with nothing to do with story.

What I did not know, is that the game was designed to go from Normal (or Veteran) to Elite and then Ultimate, basically repeating the sequence from Devil’s Crossing to the big guy Log or whatever he’s called.

I went from Log directly into the Malmouth quests and I’m getting stomped on as most of my gear is level 35ish. That was why I was farming faction rep, so I could upgrade my gear. It wasn’t until I was watching a video on youtube that I realized you went back through the storyline on “elite” and then again on Ultimate.

Made Honored with DC just after killing The Warden. Now heading for Cronley’s and I have the rep boosts available, although not sure how or when to use them. I assume you do it before turning in quests. At any rate, that bit of knowledge has gone a long way toward reducing the grind frustration. I don’t mind redoing the questline, I have probably 12 alts already as I don’t really know what style of play I like.

A lot of the enjoyment in games is figuring all this stuff out. You should have an idea of when you should be able to get the rep as there are level requirements on the gear and augments (the reason most of us get rep, but early on, we used it for gear too).

Anyway, you know now, and will be better equipped in the future. Now ignore the thread and enjoy the game.

Odd, how were you level 35 only when killing the Loghorrean? I finished the main game with my Cabalist and she was 56. I did not grind or anything, just did Steps of Torment and any side-quests that came from factions, as well as the Hidden Path.

This being the internet and anyone can be anyone, so I judge people based on HOW they speak IE write. And the whole “game broken because I did not find a key, ragequit” thing is very much a millenial thing. If you are not one, my bad, but my point still stands, do not declare a game that a lot of people on this board enjoy “broken” because of such a little thing.