Guys, I have a ryzen 7600X and a 6800XT but I have my monitor plugged to the integrated gpu for the time being, because there is some problem (that I havent resolved yet) when i plug the cable in my 6800xt. But still the game wont use the 6800xt when I launch it. It defaults to to the integrated graphics with no option to select the Radeon. Also in Windows graphics settings when I custom choose the game what to use, the list shows only the integrated gpu. Also in the Adrenalin latest driver, there is no option to force the game to use the 6800xt or at least I dont see it. And also in my BIOS (rog strix b650 gaming wi fi) I don’t see anywhere an option to make the 6800XT primary or something.
Can someone help with an idea how to make it use the stronger card?
I assume you have an NVidia GeForce 6800XT but not an AMD Radeon RX 6800XT… for NVidia the solution used to be to set up a profile.
haha, the 6800XT is only AMD, there is no such Nvidia card
Are both graphics cards listed in Windows’s device manager, when you expand the section? Is Graphics Cards already expanded, when you start the device manager?
Can you provide a screenshot of available options for Render Device in the GD video options?
Apparently you can set up a Radeon profile, too. Is there any for GD?
To run the game on different GPU than monitor is plugged into? Selecting GPU in software certainly is possible on laptops, because there both GPUs are wired to the same output. On PC though I think it’s not possible or at least I have never seen it working.
I think @kikogodeca is aware of it:
Yeah, the problem I have with the card has nothing to do with games that don’t run on it. Some games are recognising it and use it, like Diablo 4.
Otherwise, yes in Device manager there are my both cards listed and yes, I have a profile for the game in Adrenalin with ton of options but I can’t see an option on which card to run.
Can you change the video card dropdown in the display options inside GD when it’s running to use the 6800XT when running it on the integrated video card?
Yes, but it shows only my Integrated video
You can try to Verify Game Files.
Or maybe rename …\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\Settings\options.txt to options.bak (or delete it).
Can you disable the Adrenalin profile, or does it help to end Adrenalin?
Try to update the GPU driver or, especially if it worked in the past, revert to an older version.
I did all of those things. Ewven reinstalled the game - stil the same. Maybe someone from the devs will see ant tell me first hand why is that.
If that is not an option, try to disable onboard graphics in the BIOS - consult the manual for details.
Or try to deactivate onboard graphics (do not uninstall it!) in the device manager on the drivers tab, an see, if that enables GD to recognize your radeon card (after a restart of your PC).
i thought of that but didnt try it because wouldnt it disable the video signal for the monitor?
Are you using it for anything? I assume GD runs poorly on onboard graphics. And for now it would be just a temporary test.
By the way, do you have a multi-monitor setup? And if yes, are all of them usually connected to your 6800XT?
i have only 1 monitor, thats connected to my mobo, due to the problem I have with the 6800 when I plug the cable in it. I told you im using it temporarly because i gotta find the time to find what my 6800 problem is. But luckily I found out that some games actually use the faster card, no matter that the signal is coming from my integrated one. I was just hoping GD will do this too because I wanted to play a little bit.
Otherwise, when I put everything on low it plasy kinda ok on the integrated graphics. 30-40 fps
How do you know some games use faster GPU? Because they seem to run too fast for integrated?
It seems there are / were methods to redirect video signals so that your graphics card’s output comes through the video connector of your motherboard, but this seems counter intuitive and suboptimal. On the other hand, I just read, that onboard (or integrated) graphics are usually disabled by the BIOS, if a dedicated graphics card is detected.
So, I wonder if you get a video signal out of your card, and can use Windows (before starting any games), if you connect your monitor to your card.
If not, test if it fails for all connectors - try DisplayPort, HDMI and DVI, if possible. Maybe one of them is broken.
Check, if the card’s power supply is connected correctly. Last but not least consider to remove and insert the card again.
Sounds like a hardware issue, either motherboard or graphics card.
Are there any error messages in the Windows Event Log?
Post a dxdiag? Reporting Grim Dawn Bugs (Please Read) - #2 by Zantai
Try this. Change the “GPU preference” out of “Let Windows decide.”
The recent update defaults many games to “Let Windows decide,” and it poorly decides to run games on power saving integrated GPU.
Sorry if this means you already did what I just told you to try. If it’s not recognizing the GPU then you might want to google “Graphics card not being recognized windows 11” or something similar and troubleshoot from there.