Game wont load

Hi, i’ve come back to the game after a while of not playing and am experiencing an issue loading the game.

When i boot the game i get the CRATE logo and then just a black screen. I have tried deleting the game completely including all the registry keys etc and reinstalling via Steam but the game will still not load.

Edit: I’ve also tried using the repair tool in the game directory, have tried steam file verification, dxdiag attached.
DxDiag.txt (142.7 KB)

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Try verifying files via Steam.

Yes done this too

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Wipe this directory:
C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Documents\my games\Farthest Frontier\

If that helps (likely), put files back until the issue repeats. Then please share the offending file with us.

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Have tried all the fixed listed here and in multiple other sites. Does anyone have a fix for this? Load the game from Steam and all we get is music and the FF cursor, nothing else loads. Have to ALT F4 to exit the game.

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I am having the same issues now and check my game log and it said this

[WARNING] Internal: JobTempAlloc has allocations that are more than the maximum lifespan of 4 frames old - this is not allowed and likely a leak
[WARNING] To Debug, run app with -diag-job-temp-memory-leak-validation cmd line argument. This will output the callstacks of the leaked allocations.

Me está pasando lo mismo, le he dado a reparar, reinstalar, actualizar, nada de nada.

I fixed it by giving up and uninstalling the game

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No… eso no me sirve, quiero seguir jugando

This is caused by OneDrive taking over your save directory. You can resolve it by deleting this directory in your documents and/or OneDrive and disabling its access to the folder:
C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Documents\my games\Farthest Frontier\

In the next patch, entering playtesting this week, we are moving the save directory to prevent OneDrive from doing this in the first place.

Solucionado, muchísimas gracias

I’m running into this exact problem. I’ve moved the files and deleted the directory, but when I start the game up it recreates it, then fails to move to the new location.

I’ve also deleted both folders, after backing it up elsewhere, then started the game, watched both folders get created, and a single file in a subfolder called save shows up in the Onedrive location (also confirmed the folder was removed from Onedrive in the cloud), click confirm to continue, then get a second box saying the copy failed, click confirm to exit.

I’ve watched it move and create data in the new folder, then the error is it can’t find the new folder or doesn’t have access to it. I just watched it move the files from the old location? Any suggestions on how to resolve this, since deleting the folders didn’t work?

I had posted in another thread, and got a solution!

Once it moves all the data to the new location, you might need to manually go to the old folder location and create a file in the Save folder called migrated.dat. When it now see that file the game will load and I’m able to get into my saved games.

They can’t do that because they’re not on the playtest version of the game.

Hi, same issue here.

Save files do not work.
-It’s nearly amusing, how frustrating this game gets.

It’s kinda trivial thing, all games since 25 years back have had saves, yet ye manage to muck it up.

I have yet another annoying bug to report, game will not load past roughly 85%. Just freezes. Not just one or two saves, thusfar not one works.
-And no, I am not going to hunt pieces of codes in a deep mine of files.
I really, REALLY would like the game to just function.

Have you checked where the save files are located? This was changed in the last patch.

We addressed a rare save load issue for v0.9.7 with saves sent to us by players. I suspect you are likely experiencing the same bug and will be fine once that update is live.

You can send your save to [email protected] so we can verify that it is the same issue.

Saves are located in:
C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Saved Games\Farthest Frontier\Save
Zip up the entire TownName_###### folder along with the .map file and .sav that reproduces the issue. If the files are too big, you can use a service such as Google Drive to share it with us.