Gannar'vakkar King of the Sands

Hi there! Quick question about Gannar’Vakkar, King of the Sands.

Grim Tools has two database entries for him, one that drops the [Mythical Heart of the Sand King] and one that doesn’t. My question is, which one spawns (specifically for Ultimate, level 100) ?

Trying to farm his amulet but without luck so far, so I’m a bit confused ^^

His drop chance for that is 5% iirc. So you have to grind a bit to get it.

Loot and its drop chances depend on monster level.
Loot tables change at the following monster levels: 1, 92
Mobs level scale based on your char level (also depends on that area), this case if the boss level under 92 it wont drop the purple amulet.

Yah, both replies correct and can confirm, I just now grinded like 15 - 20 times (didn’t really count) and got it easily by re-opening session, teleporting to sunbane oasis portal and redoing it till I got it.

I did this in ultimate as lvl 100 character.

Thanks for answers. I was wondering if I had two fight 2 layers of RNG (one being the 5% chance to drop it from the loot table, and the second being a chance to have the version that has it in the loot table). Good just one.

Actually dropped the amulet yesterday woohoo!

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