GD:Cornucopia v0.3.2 - Epic Items, Components, and More!

I’m not sure if you noticed this one Ceno/doom:

The Tag not found on the +skill.

Saw it on a rainy day and never got to it. Just fixed it, thanks. :slight_smile: Will be part of v0.3.3. If you’re curious, the skill will be IEE.

Hi, I currently playing your mod by Grimarillion, i saw in Grimcal that OFF lvl 12 have -100% fire resist but in game it show different, lower and have -max fire resist.I cant find the change log for this any where.
I dont know where to ask but I think your mod make change to balance things so I though I should ask here


OFF now sticks to anything - even bosses - for the full duration of the skill. Instead of trying to freeze targets for 4 seconds or whatever and only debuffing as long as they are frozen it’ll apply 4 seconds of debuff and try to freeze them once/sec.

With a little cooldown reduction this obviously means you can keep an entire screen locked into OFF effectively forever - as such the -fire resistance would have been downright ridiculous.

What is still left to do before 3.3 is released ?


v0.3.3 is still in the planning phase.

Edit: Once we finish scoping out the changes we want to implement, it shouldn’t take more than two weeks to make all of them. Then we’ll probably put them into closed testing for a week or so, and if there isn’t anything extraordinarily broken, we’ll go public with the release. So when the planning phase is done, it’ll be around 2-3 weeks before release.

Hi, are you interested by a french translation of your mod ? (a very good mod in my opinion).
If i’m right, i just have to translate the txt files in Steam\SteamApps\common\Grim Dawn\mods\Cornucopia003\source\Text_EN ?

Sure, we’d be interested in a French translation. And yes, that’s correct.

i am looking to your tag and i just want to tell you that (
i don’t know if you can do anything for that, but…
And just a last thing: THANK YOU ! your tags are very clean, a real pleasure to translate.

Well, that’s not true anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

A hotfix is in the works containing the Legendaries, epic set updates, and the updates to the Legendary rings (sans Judicator’s).

Will also be fixing that stupid bug in Demolitionist. :slight_smile:

Ok as i said before in Grimarillion here is the save file with the -20% CRD

Hey guys, have you considered implementation of a new change for Nightblade’s ABB? Does this change fit into your mod philosophy? Thx for info.

Any new change, or the one from

Either way, the answer is yes. ABB has been on our radar for a while now. We may port over the version and continue to make further adjustments as we see the need.

Yeah I meant the change from, pretty fun to use it with pistols now :slight_smile:

Bug Report

Targo the builder constellation, the 2nd to last node lists as one of three stats --7% shield block recovery. I thought it was just a strange graphic bug but actually taking the node with a shield character it really is a double negative and actually makes you worse at blocking. Don’t think that is intended.

Hotfix v0.3.2H

  • Ported over most item changes.
  • Ported over the Legendary sets. Let us know if there’s any bugs with their +skills. Also let us know if they…kinda…don’t drop. >.> We’re pretty sure we don’t need to edit any loot tables, but not 100% certain.
  • Ported over most devotion/skill changes. In a lot of cases, Cornucopia already HAD the changes…looks like we really are inspiring some changes in the vanilla game. Go us!
  • Various bugfixes.

Class & Skills

  • Conversion (Maiven’s Sphere Modifier) - Added flat DA and Armor, scaling with rank. DA reaches 250 at 22/12, Armor reaches 195 at 22/12. The goal is to give more incentivizing stats here that aren’t simply LEL MOAR HEALTH.
  • Albrecht’s Aether Ray - Reduced energy cost by 5%. This was partially done because our AAR was a couple energy points higher than vanilla’s for some reason, and partially because AAR could use the reduction anyways.


  • Devotion - Tsunami (celestial power): increased maximum Cold Damage by a fair margin. Substantially raised % Weapon Damage. Increased speed of the wave. Upped the cooldown to 2.0 seconds, from 1.5 seconds.


  • Warborn Gavel - Speed Multiplier from -0.05 to -0.04. In Cornucopia, we earlier increased all speed multipliers by 0.06, however here that would be too powerful as the item is already much faster than others of its class. Same applies to Fist of the Venomblade, which went unchanged.
  • Blaze of the Black Flame - Speed Multiplier from -0.02 to 0.04.
  • Razor of the Venomblade - Speed Multiplier from -0.03 to 0.02.

Links in the first post are up-to-date.

On epic sets we sometimes took 1006 changes over ours, sometimes ours over theirs, and sometimes we mixed a bit.

Nice job guys. Keep up the good work. Still playing and still loving it.

I also decreased elemental seeker cooldown to 1.5, and doubled the damage of the on death explosion. Along with the 1006 changes

Thank you for updating so quickly! Corn is all that I play, so I rely on you guys for the patched gamer crack.