GD Hc players are the most stubborn ever

What annoys me about PoE is the whole free to play thing. This earning model can go die in a fire for all I care, it’s enough not to make me play something. The abysmal drop rates are a part of this of course, encouraging spending. Blergh.

D3 is sadly just too shallow for me, one set one build, that gets old really fast.

PoE models and items look like shit but I will try the new exp! ::smiley:

Colored materia slots is garbage design. Can you imagine how shitty the materia system in FFVII would have been if your materia slots were color-restricted?

Are you talking about link gem system? You can recolor youre equipment with chromes .

The amount of materia required to build a mid to high-level character is ridiculous, considering the previous point.

Oh. plz. every league ive played HC ive got my 6l by level 90 or so. To tell the true, 6l is not required unless youre aiming for HC endgame content. Past 2.0 6l is not even required due to powercreep madness. Good builds clear two screens in one shot with just 4 links and underleveled jewels and crapy selfound gear :smiley:

There are too many damn gems and the whole skill system has become overwhelming and oversaturated with support gems.

yes, and out of so many gems half of them are utter garbage, and no one is going to fix the balance soon >_>

I don’t mind the linked items and gems. It is how you customize builds. And, the times where the combinations actually work, its fun. However in the later part of the game it often comes down to the few meta builds so having your own fun combinations means nothing.

I quite like the concept of putting gems together and creating your own skills with effects. And as said above. Through chromes and other items you can craft the amount of slots, how they’re linked and color of the slots. Nothing wrong there since you can get tons of those materials without too much trouble.

I also agree with Griffisu. Graphically the game doesn’t look that appealing. The models look weird, their animations are weird, the world looks dull and weird. Some areas do look nice like a temple you go into in act 3 for example. The atmosphere in act 2 leading upto the final boss is nicely done.

So yeah I can give them credit where its due, but PoE falls flat in so many core areas that it doesn’t matter that they do other things well. OVer time the devs have added to much patch work to cover up and trying to fix symptoms caused by core problems. It has become a cluttered mess.

Saturday is usually the day i reserve to do co-op with some friends. One of them is going away for the weekend. So I’ll go give PoE 3.0 a look over on saturday only.

If talikng ‘bout the chroms - they are one of the worst offenders in PoE. One could like the gem and link system, but would hate the chromatics’ mechanics. I don’t even think there’s a single (sane) PoE player who likes this mechanic.
It’s build limiting and at times may bring a player to utter frustration and uncontrollable spasms.

you know whats build limiting? the gear, the so called amazing passive tree and the fact the game is so balanced only a handfull of builds work in the end. chromatics is the least of PoE’s issue when it comes to build diversity.

Ive never had any problems with chromes:roll: Well, ive never tried to chorme off-color items.

There’s forced meta in PoE, that’s intentional and probably the trully build limiting factor, agree. It’s related to the business model of the game, along with the disposable content it generates.

Gear isn’t limiting, as in a difference of GD, in PoE rare gear is mostly about numerical values, rather than certain, build defining, combinations of affixes. It’s about “raw” power. The build defining gear is usually unique items, which don’t rarely occupy more than 1-2 slots per char, unless speaking about very specific builds. Many builds don’t use uniques at all.

Skill tree trully brings the illusion of choice, while in reality options aren’t as many as one could consider. But there’s still crapload of various viable and interesting builds.
On a side note, related to the inability of developers to balance the game within the open system PoE skill tree is, they are actively trying to restrict build diversity by implementing classes and reworking mechanics. In fact PoE got (and is getting) casualized and straight-forwarded.

Chroms are a real problem, as they pigeonhold you to certain gear types. Ofc you can bypass it by trying to roll offcolors…the madness.

WTF do the drop rates have to do with encouraging spending?

Recolor…recolor…recolor…recolor…recolor…recolor…recolor…FUCK! I’m out of chromatic orbs! Better go farm for more

later, when I’ve amassed a collection of orbs

Recolor…recolor…recolor…PERFECT! This single piece of gear has the perfect color and link combination for my build. There’s no way this could have been a wast- finds an upgrade for the same gear slot, but with a color & link combination that doesn’t work for my build Back to recoloring!

Recolor…recolor…recolor…recolor…recolor…recolor…recolor…FUCK! I’m out of chromatic orbs! Better go farm for more

(Repeat forever until you die)

Fuck the colored gem slot system, it’s garbage. If you could fit any gem color into any slot, there would be no need for chromatic orb rerolling. Shit is worse than playing a mobile phone gacha game.

well let’s be honest…PoE isn’t exactly a rewarding game for the time and effort you put in it. the drop rates of good gear isn’t great to say the least. and I always wondered how the market could get “flooded” with items most people won’t find. the devs are obviously handing out gear to some people to keep their in-game economy going. Spending weeks on end farming without anything to show for it other then in-game crafting materials/currency is just unrewarding and frustrating.

I can see how some people, who don’t like in-game trading, to go to online websites to buy with real life currency. Just like D2 and E-bay back in the day.

But PoE, as far as I know, doesn’t sell stuff with statistics for real life money. They only sell cosmetic/stash stuff.

I played many ARPGs and sure that there is no game better than Grim Dawn in that genre now.
PoE looks ugly. Their 3D is like from 2000, abysmal low drop rates of good stuff, few viable builds and many other problems.
Diablo 3 is boring and stupid. I regret buying it. After original DEVs of Diablo moved to make Torchlight, you know this game series is dead

Nah, most stuff is so worthless, no one bother to pick it up. During my last league - Essense i didnt pick anything on maps exept T1 CI gear , T1 unique,orbs and Jewelry.
thats how marked get flooded=) Found 3 T1 mod life chest? Greath! Wendotrash it, no one need that shit. Fount realy awesome caster wand? Lol, why bother, its worst that blue Vagan dagger. I dont even bother to pick rare weapons, cause all off them are useless as shit. The chanse to get 3 T1 mods on weapon are so slim, its not even worth to talk about.
And out of thousands of of T1 CI chest i found zero, none, not a single one with 2 T1 CI mod and T1 int mod. Lol, i wonder why did i pick them in the first place? WHy bother with MF if all you find is worthless junk?
In curent state PoE is a bloody mess off broken mechanic, lags, grind and diablo3-like gameplay>_> .

Thte most optimized way to farm in PoE is to play with the most restrictive item filter with a FOTM meta build, while actively trading to meet the expenses.
Sadly, the most efficient way of character progression includes zombie farming certain maps at the fastest pace possible (build dependent). Otherwise you become inefficient. And while “fun” is a subjective term, inability to progress “properly” unless you don’t follow a narrow path isn’t considered appropriate by most of the players who spent more than a couple of hundreds hours in the game, being rid of the “wow” effect anything new brings.
Game turned too MMO-ish, and stil heavily centred around trading.

Not that you can’t get something of a value picking all the rares (like I recently dropped a 405 dps claw), but it’s one in a million.

Game’s too fast paced, forces you to follow certain rules or GTFO.
The graphs of players’ retention speak about drastic increase of players in the first 2-3 weaks of a new league (backed up by heavy PR & advertisments), followed by dramatic leaks.
And overall balance and game design are altered to it.
It’s the fucking F2P business model and the greed of the managers which destroyed this promising game.

On the other hand, it’s more profitable. Mr. Wilson baths in cash, while the developer of one of the best balanced and articulated aRPGs on the market can’t even buy a Lambo.
That’s life, fuck it.

This is non sense at least towards PoE. Spending money on the game will not help your drop rate at all. So how does it being free to play encourage spending money on the game. None of what they sell is gonna boost your drop rate at all.

Honestly I don’t get why people get so but hurt over what games others like or don’t like. You act like D3 fan boys don’t bash POE and Grim Dawn, or POE fanboys don’t bash grim dawn for being to slow and D3 for being well D3.
It’s just how fanboyism works.
Personally I play POE and GD but have never touched D3 as I don’t like the graphic style. I also won’t play any game that uses cell shading graphics.

@Hellcat all that is your opinion and nothing else. Who gives a shit what the elitist 5% think in POE. I play the game my way using my builds following no ones rules at all. Now sure I will never be as rich in game as those people who play that way, but I am able to play the builds I want and have no issues progressing. Granted I will never level pass 90. but thats a choice I make as I find the level grind past that way to tedious and boring.

Wow, just… wow. I mean, how does one even say something like this. That’s the internet these day though.

People like certain games more than others, it’s the nature of people. But what I don’t understand is the judgement and prejudice towards the games. It’s unbelievable.

I play all three games listed in this thread plus many more. Sure, I devote more time to others than some, it’s just who I am. All games have their devote followers and no one could ever say something bad about their game, but tone down the bashing of the games you don’t like (that’s what official reviews are for). I don’t know why things like this upset me so much. Well, people spreading blatant lies is a trigger for anyone really.

Also, just wondering what the ‘core’ gameplay mechanics people are referring to with PoE that make it ‘terrible’. That has me confused a little bit.


Also, just wondering what the ‘core’ gameplay mechanics people are referring to with PoE that make it ‘terrible’. That has me confused a little bit.

Armor/Eva/ES mechanic never worked, its terrible and will never work.
Quadro dipping mechanic =)
Base life to life from gear balance is screwed.
Players dmg to creeps health balance is screwed.
Curses are screwed.
Aurabots are screwed
Gear progression is terrible.
Half of skill gems are utter garbage
Trade is cancerous
Leveling >_>
Nah, i dont know what is left in the game that work as it should.

I’m not an elitist, though I have +5K hours in this game, nor the 5% you categorized as such. In a difference of GD, PoE is highly competitive. It’s PvP without the tag - you compete on any level with the rest, even if you don’t realize it, as you obviously don’t.
So you are either super efficient, or you bite the dust. You can’t just fire up the game and play it for fun. Or at least past a certain point.
You said fun builds. Builds are no more fun as long as you can’t farm X exp/H or X currency/H. Or if you can’t access certain content and stay there.

You obviously aren’t highly experienced in PoE and it’s actually a gift - the more casually one plays this game, the better it feels. But once you get deeper into it, it turns around its other face.

Quick background, I started playing in the closed beta when, iirc there was 2 acts and 4 difficulties, at the time I was really enjoying it and bought 2 supporters pack (one from CB and the other possibly release or OB)

Same as others, the forced trading and the constant refusal to consider a true self found league and ignoring the threads that started back in CB begging for a self found league with no trading.

The total randomness of the colours, links and sockets and having spent loads of my currency for the item to revert to a single socket in one click :furious: