GD SynergiesMOD

I love SynergiesMOD for TL2. I never play without it.
I can’t wait to see what you do with Grim Dawn.
This is an amazing game and you are an amazing modder.

This should be awesome.

Good luck!

salan’s last forum post was made over two years ago. He probably gave up on this mod before even starting it.

Frankly speaking, I’m not even surprised he gave up on it, because that’s exactly how salan tends to act, which is why I never bothered so much with his TL2 mod. He kept making promises about updates, then kept going back on his word back and forth, like when he kept saying he was going to work his Paladin class, but kept pushing it forward for over an year.

He’s the kind of person that can’t focus on something and finish it first, before moving to the next.

Well that kinda sucks. I’d completely forgotten about this thread but still it woulda been nice to see a popular TL2 modder come thru in GD. Even if he has sporadic tendencies it seems Synergies is fairly popular and it would have been interesting to see a GD flavor of it at any rate. Ah well.

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I mean we have plenty of great mastery mods to choose from as it is, there’s really not much else he could have possibly brought to the table.

Thank you for responding. I didn’t realize how old the thread was.
That’s too bad I didn’t know he was that type of modder but thank you for sharing.

You are right! Grim Dawn has some amazing mods already and a very talented modding community so I’m not worried.