Gear recommendations for a poison caster build

Been using the Miasma set since I hit level (whatever the requirement is) and I’m currently approaching level 58 and am going to toss on the Empowered Miasma helm and Tome of Plagues, but I don’t have the Empowered Robes. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone had any alternative suggestions to the Miasma set. It adds so much damage I killed Veteran Log in about 7 seconds and didn’t even come close to dying, though I am a bit squishy in other areas.

Considering all my other characters have found nothing but +poison gear and now that I’m using poison gear, I’m realizing how many of those items were geared toward either dual-wield or two-handed poison classes.

Is there anything around my level range (55-65) that would be better than the Miasma set?

My gear is currently:
Weapon - Tainted Blade of Nera’Val w/ Mark of Dreeg
Off-Hand - Tome of Plagues w/ Venom-Tipped Ammo
Helm - Miasma Hood
Chest - Miasma Robes
Legs - Legplates of Valor
Rune - Blight
Belt - Alchemist’s Belt
Medal - Mark of the False Gods
Boots - Desecrator Treads
Gloves - Generic green gloves
Shoulders - Generic green shoulders
Rings - Ring of Eternal Rot + %Poison Damage %Health %Physique %resist ring
Ammy - Green HP/OA/Regen ammy

Edit: And I just found the Empowered Robes from Rolderathis. He gave me the Empowered Tome of Plagues earlier as well. What a nice guy.