General gameplay feedback

I’ve never been active in this forum. But this post got me. In short I’ve spend some hours playing this game. And with 1’600h + now I can still say that I love this game. Created now over 80 chars, 50% of them died on hardcore.

I am eager to see what this post will bring up. But I have the feeling that a lot of data and replies given will be misjudged. But we have to start at some point and I think it is a good idea to get several opinions. And the following ones are mine which I gathered during the whole time.

Thats how I’d descripe the first and most important rule in GD. “Perfectly balanced as everything should be.” If you achieve that, you’ll get a well working char in GD which is fun to play. But to achieve that you need to learn a lot. And most of the gamer only want a simple guide since GD is not easy to master :wink:
I’d suggest that this would be more pointed out in the game itself. Like having an NPC who is taking a look at your stats. And suggest sth. that would help. Like: Your defensive ability is low, try out with a diferent Devotion build

DPS kills tinkering
Most people craving for that forsaken DPS meter. So they think thats the most and only thing they need. Therefore lots of builds are not even close to be viable. And they also do not want to tinker about that since it would lower their DPS.
I’d suggest that the game will give you a hint that raw dmg is not leading to success. Like finding a dead body with a note. A man filled with rage which let to his demise. And at the end you’d find a new sort of boss. More based on defense and high reate of resistance but low attack.

Walking is OP
Lets face it as it is. Walking in this game is the most OP defensive you can have. Thats why chars, who do not have to stand still and still deal dmg are having a blast. But as soon as you have to stand still especially caster with channeling abilities getting their ass handed over since they already have low DA and HP compared to others.
I’d suggest that we get a new sort of item or even components which will enable a new ability. Generating addition DA or resistance by standing still for 3s.

I love the ability to grind for greens which are even capable to be better than a legendary. But there are not much to be honest. I wish there where more monster infrequent. Especially helm, glove, brestplate and shoulders. Those Item give a realy twist in the hard lategame and I personaly feel joy to find and farm them.
I’d suggest to create more monsterinfrequents which will be helm, glove, brestplate or shoulders.

Bad rolls
Imagine going for the 40th time against Gargabol. Just to farm his special Item. And it finaly drops after all that time… and then you figure out that the rolls are about 65% of their best potential. Which renders that item basically to nearly usless. Same problem with a lot of legendaries which can’t be transmuted. Thats some sort of frustrating and I don’t believe that the solution should be to cheat those things in GrimStash. Which I clearly do not support at any case. For me that’s plain cheating.
*I’d suggest a complete new blacksmith. An arcane mastersmith which will be capable of doing one of the folowing:

  1. Reroll 1 statt as much as you want
  2. Reroll 1 affix or 1 suffix
  3. Combine items. They have to be identical (exact same titel, also matching affix/ suffix) one item will be the master and the other the slave. On the slave item you choose one stat which shall replace the stat on the master item. The slave item will then be sacrificed and the choosen stat will then be on the master item.*

I’d say there is no chance to have every ability to be a ultra late game match. And I think thats fine. It can give you the feeling that the char is evolving. Sure others get frustrated that their most valued skill is not capable to kill Korvak in one shot. But there are cleraly some skills which could use some love. e.g.

  1. Olexas Flash Freeze really ment as “freez” ability in late game, since 99.9% of all bosses are immune. Or is it that badass Fire Resistance reduction which I use it for?
  2. Nullification is also questionable. Since you can only cast it on yourself, or you tear down an ennemie. The Cooldown is imense for what this ability actually does at the end. In this special case I clearly demand a cooldown reduction or even better, forgett the CDR and adappt this spell taht you get a shield for 10s which prevents you from DoT and debuff or get the chance to block the ennemie from casting new auras and buffs for 10s.

But what I really miss are abilities who are reducing resistances. Resistances which are actually also matching your dmg. type.

Quality of life
Overall I miss way more game mechanics which are crucial in my opinion to enjoy GD more than having a huge nerf on everything.

  1. Radius toggle. I mean I can tell by feeling whats 5m means in this game… or 12m. But having a graphical option who whould generate a small outline to show you the distance of the spells whould be neat.
  2. Unclear descriptions all over the place. GD has some trouble to clearly tell you whats going on with a spell or an attack. Like the whole life steal or energy leech part. Do you need to physically to hit the target with a bullet or melee weapon or do spell counts as well? Does it change now every single fire dmg to 100% but why is the guy still burning then? Does that only trigger when I cast the skeletons or does it also count when they attack? Things like that. You have to figure everything out by yourself which can be frustrating. Especially when you came up with a build which you’ love to see but it is not working thanks to unclear instruction. And thats an imense overhaul.
  3. Item Stats, are those the best possible stats I can get? Or is it worth to farm for more? Why not having an option to toggle the numers. Using the color scheme they use to indicate the item rarity: Like grey = lower 10%, white= 20%, yellow = 50%, green = 80%, blue = 99% purple = 100% e.g. an item can have 10 to 50 extra pierce dmg. RNG rolls a 40 therefore this number will be green. Or just having an option to toggle which would show the best possible roll of each stat in a light grey right beside the original roll.

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