Giant's set

It’s just a meme-wish, but I’d like to have a Giant’s set to become unstoppable.

And a ring that reduces physique requirement of armor.

Favor and Protection not necessary because physique is already that stat.

Where are your black flames, casul?

tfw we got Soulare helmet but no Mask of the Father.

Crate confirmed casuls. Bet they leveled dex too.

Man up and fight naked with broken ladle. :furious:

Wrong game, Laddle was in siquel(and I dual-wielded two poisonous one, thats was INSANE buildup)

TIL responding with meme in a meme thread is not permitted if it’s from a sequel. :rolleyes:

that video was a stupid joke build that was meant to make fun of the DWGR havelmoms that were nerfed out of existence the patch before. Any troglodyte could toggle lock out of a zwei, or just parry it. I’ll never understand why it became so popular, and I’d rather not ever see it again in any form of media thanks.
Now dark magic, THAT was a fucking good meme.

Soulare helm doesn’t have increased light radius :furious:

Literally unplayable