Godmode Saptank Spellbinder


Not gonna go too indepth since it’s probably gonna get nerfed.
Braindead gameplay: Run in, siphon, hold right click, Put Mark on the big guy. Flash freeze as a devotion trigger for addional heal, Maivens at 14/12 even tho you wont ever need it lul. Also mirror and mark of divinity, if you die consider uninstalling:rolleyes::stuck_out_tongue:
Video has wrong Relic so Im only running around with ~60% aether resi and missing the skill.


Disclaimer: No that is not a legit character im just playing around to see what I will actual aim for on my legit playthroughs.

Build is good but not OP at all, vitality casters always been practically immortal and single target dps is mediocre at best (not taking things like Widow or Dying God hurts it even more).

Oh and use Riftstone over Haunted Steal, you have zero weapon damage that could use that adcth (not that you need it anyway) but Chaos Strike would practically double your clearspeed since you’re moving painfully slow otherwise.

just my 2c

More like UP. Even with cheated gear clearspeed is abyssymal >_> OPie builds oneshot poor cronley before he can cast his mirror.

That DA is just asking for Fabius or Mad Queen to do something about it.

And apostate…even more dmg. Btw, you are testing in an easy area. Hardly any reasons for nerfs

Oh do you have an idea of an apostate drain essence build?

“Oh do you have an idea of an apostate drain essence build?”

I wonder the same thing