sometimes you hear something so stupid one facepalm isn’t enough

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Lol. Ikr. The salt was thick with bae.

I don’t need Steam to give a fuck about its playerbase. I just need it to sell me games :smirk: Nevermind the fact he completely, apparently, missed the point of my reply - which was to point out why GoG updates come later.


Steam is really expensive comparative to GOG. I’ve been using Steam since its debut and can honestly say GOG has the better prices and discounts. But you know what’s best. I just wanna play my damn game.

So just because we bought the game on different platforms entitles you to be an absolute dick head? Cool. I was trying to give this problem with the game attention… You know, get some support from the player base…

I have the game on GOG as well; sometimes they update quickly, other times they don’t. Just something we have to live with.

As powbam said, this isn’t something Crate can help you with. They’ve passed the patch over to GOG, now it’s down to GOG’s people to get it out to the players.

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only case that would be true is if you live in a country where GoG offers you regional pricing Steam doesn’t, otherwise prices are basically 1:1, incl discounts
one of the reasons for this is Steam straight up demands price parity, like other businesses do, going back to the days before Steam was even a thing
i’m told for some Epic games are also cheaper than steam because they offer a broader range of regional pricing than Steam’s very rudimentary narrow brackets, but in $, € £ etc etc where regions/currencies overlap, a game also costs 60$ on Epic, like on GoG, like on Steam; Valve wont let you sell a game on their store if you have a cheaper base/fixed price elsewhere

as for user service/customer service that will always be subjective, GoG def has a lot of upsides, but also some downsides; they don’t get all games because some publishers are dicks and demands DRM
also worth to note, not all games on Steam has DRM, not even necessarily the “default” Steamworks drm

That’s super cool, Thank you for an answer.

This thread was entertaining. These things are just what they are, no need to get worked up over something that is, in the end, not even in Crate’s control. OP needs to


Perhaps EASE up ON the random CAPS too.

Say, … rly no gog update as of yet? Or is it just me?

look on the bright side, your GI still works with GD :grin:

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Uaaargh, this waiting. Since, for some former sensible reason, I´ve got Gog and Steam version. Question: Can I somehow download the steam update and apply it to … Gog version?

Doubt it as Steam will have it’s own DRM stuff attached while GOG doesn’t.

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OK, I wasn´t around from on and maybe someone knows better, but:
Holy cow, has it ever taken that long with gog? Been 2 days now and no upload.
Zantai must have forgotten to hand over. Hey, that´s possible, right?

Doubt it. It has taken a little longer once that I know of because Crate released it on what was a public holiday where GOG are based. I’ve managed to contact support (well done for making it as difficulty as possible GOG), but how soon they’ll do anything … :woman_shrugging:


If you have both GoG and Steam versions, then I am not sure what exactly you are waiting for / why you are waiting…

Pretty sure it has taken longer. I own it on both as well and it can take 3-4 days or so most times, depending on whatever it is it depends on with GoG.

It is updated on GoG Galaxy tho…

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Wohohoooo !!

Let’s hope it includes the small patch that Steam got yesterday.

the one that nerfes retal spam aegis for example ? yes.

I just know Steam got an update of just under 11mbs yesterday. Think it was the stuff that somehow slipped through being added to the patch.