GOG Sale

I noticed the game is on sale for the Steam fall sale but not the gog one. Why is that? I would love to not only get the new dlc but gift a couple copies to friends. Why are we being excluded from this? I already feel excluded since you don’t allow crossplay between the 2 versions. Why are we now also being excluded from the sales? I am really feeling like my pre-order of this game was another stupid move of mine. Like because I chose gog instead of steam that I am being treated poorly.

I’m not sure how much choice Crate has in whether GOG does a sale on GD or not.

EDIT: For the record, there are some things I like GOG for, but I rarely get newer games from them. I own a GOG copy of GD but I prefer the Steam version because if I ever decided to trade or do multiplayer Steam’s GD servers are much more populated.

If they don’t then I will be happy to complain to gog as well. However my understanding is they do.

Huh, I was under the impression that GOG handled that. I mean, it’s not like they could have asked Sir-Tech about having the sale that I bought Wizardry 8 in. Well, whatever.

Good choice! :slight_smile:

No answer? I guess I will contact gog

They generally ask me if I want to participate in sales and give me some say in it, although technically, the way the contract is written, they have control over sales due to some EU fair market policy, as they explained it.

I’m actually surprised to find out the game isn’t on sale but, checking my emails, I don’t see any email from them about autumn sale. On Steam we can just set our own sales but on GOG, we have to set sales through them. Its been a busy couple months with the release of AoM and starting new projects and I guess I didn’t notice we weren’t signed up. I’ve had emails from them never show up before, so maybe it got lost somehow. It’s a bigger loss for us since most GOG revenue comes from sales…

That said, I don’t get your point about being “excluded” from crossplay. I guess Steam was also excluded from it, so it seems fair, if not what you want? I mean, it’s not like everyone else gets crossplay except GOG? Both platforms have been treated the same in this regard.

The problem with GOG, for us, is that it has already taken a lot more work than Steam to support GOG Galaxy and it’s around 2% of our total sales. We looked into supporting crossplay but it’s a significant amount of additional work and our engineers were all pretty busy on other stuff. We’ve already invested WAY more time per user on GOG than we have on Steam but still all we hear is complaint. It hardly seems worth it.

Only 2%? Damn, I kind of regret choosing GOG now, with the crazy Steam sales lately maybe I should give the game another purchase …

I think it’s inevitable that Steam will have way more players than GOG ever will. The game was in alpha on Steam so a lot of people bought it then, the option for Kickstater/GD website purchasers to change from Steam to GOG only came much later on (Steam from 2013 alpha, GOG not until 2016 full release). Steam’s been around a lot longer than GOG and is much better known, people looking to download games will go there first. Also because of Steam’s dominance in that market, game developers will want their products on sale there first, GOG only being supported later on if at all.

A pretty good comparison of the two here:

I think it’s inevitable that Steam will have way more players than GOG ever will. The game was in alpha on Steam so a lot of people bought it then, the option for Kickstater/GD website purchasers to change from Steam to GOG only came much later on (Steam from 2013 alpha, GOG not until 2016 full release).

Nah, that’s not a factor here, as when I said 2% of sales, I was only looking at post-release sales, at a time when you could buy on both GOG and Steam. Around 75% of our revenue for GD and its DLC happened after release but if you include lifetime sales, then GOG would be less than 1.5%.

Even now, on a regular day where there are no discounts, we will sell less than 10 copies of GD on GOG and a couple hundred on Steam.

GD on GOG costs 7 times more than on steam which is insane

What currency are you talking about? To me it looks like it costs $24.99, which is the normal non-discounted price on Steam.

I emailed GOG to find out what’s going on.

Well, I’ve got it at CHF28.89 on GOG at the moment. Steam’s normal price is CHF24, but with 66% off in their sale it’s only CHF8.16!

Hmm, well, I can’t actually set or see the pricing on GOG for different currencies (you can on Steam - or you can use their auto-set values for different currencies). They’ve asked me to provide suggested prices in various currencies on the DLC but I don’t know if I ever did that on GD, I can’t find any record of it. Ultimately, according to EU law, distributors there have authority to set prices, so I don’t really know what’s going on. Maybe they decided to adjust certain currencies or it could be some kind of error. I’ve sent an email but apparently my contact in the finance dept there is out until the 23rd - got an automated response.

Could depend on what they use as the currency exchange rate between dollar and other currencies too. And how often they update them.

GOG GD vanilla was on sale if I can recall it correctly right after AoM was released. I saw it when I was buying the datadisk there. Price was around 7 or 11 Eur, not really sure now.
GOG is amazing platform, you actually own the game, no DRM stupidity in my PC’s RAM and nobody can ban your account for whatever reason. (I will never support steam. People have so much power in their wallets if they only realize.) I am so sad reading only 2% of GD sale is from GOG. Maybe gamers do not deserve something better than steam. Never mind.

As for crossplay - I play with my friend who has steamGD through Hamachi, no problem…

I would like to know what are the AoM sales? If numers are secret, just share % against vanilla. Hope you are selling well and it will encourage you to release something more for the game in the future.

I’m a lil curious now as well since AoM has had a lil bit more of “sell” time now. Zantai commented a day or so after release that the first day had covered over half of their AoM development expenses, which may be a good sign that it has done well to-date.

AOM on GOG costs 17.99 while on steam its 6.55 (used to be 7.70 before discount)

Base game costs 24.99 on GOG while its 3.24 on steam(used to be 9.56 prior to discount)

No wonder the majority prefers steam

If that is true, then I have to admit you are right. Even that discount I have mentioned 7-11 for vanilla is nothing compared to this. Hopefully more money per each sale goes to developer from GOG. In this case I would not regret paying more.

Edit: could not help and looked at steam now. AoM is -15% from 17.99 to 15.29 Eur. Do we live on the same planet? :slight_smile:

I think you should check on the price of Grim Dawn on GOG. I’m from SEA region and the price I saw on GOG is definitely much higher than Steam. The base game cost 24.99$, AoM dlc cost 17.99$ while on Steam it’s only 9.68$ for base game and 7.92$ for AoM(before discount).
The different is too high for people to buy on GoG moneywise.