Going to buy new PC is this GD friendly?-

As the title says my pc is going to die (after yrs of honoured service) and i’m oriented to buy a desktop with amd cpu, ryzen 5 1600 and nvidia gpu gtx 1050 etc…

How does GD perform with those new amd cpu? Is there any OS - i don’t know win 10- problems i should know.

Cause 70% of time i will play GD xpac on this new pc so i would be pissed to have compatibility issues.


10x0 Geforce series tend to lag and slutter a lot in random games, things get worse on Win10, so i suggest to buy AMD graphic instead. rx460/560 works fine .
As for CPU, intel is a better option, something like i3 7100 is enough. And intel MB offer NVMe support so you can use PCI-e SSD and get a huge increase in IO performance.

I mean I’m far from playing every game but i’m happy with my 1070 GTX.
Before that I had a 770 GTX.
I don’t have any problem!

Since GD is not making good use of multiple cores, go for the CPU with the best single core performance. 4 cores are more than enough for anything today, I would not go with more, they are just wasted.
If Intel/AMD would not have a hard time increasing the performance of a single core, they would not try to trick us into buying more cores…

You can go to older CPU generations too, virtually nothing relevant changed for at least two generations on the Intel side, so go 1 gen older than the current to save some money. You will get the same performance at a lower price.

I also would stick with nVidia, never had problems with their cards, 1050 is not powerful though. Personally I would go with 1070 at least, not sure about the price difference.

I owned 1060, then switched to rx470 due to random lags/slutter in half of games i play .

Hmm… I run the game on a GTX 960 and it runs smooth as butter with all of the graphics on high. I do drop under 50fps in large groups but I’m usually running at over 100fps. My CPU is an Intel Core i7-2600 overclocked to 4.0GHz. I don’t play any modern shooters or the like but I can run GTA5 pretty smooth with high settings too… If that’s any sort of benchmark worth noting…

My 1050ti runs everything on the highest settings with over 100 fps in most circumstances. It does drop down to 30 in the crucible though, so I use medium settings there.

I agree with Mamba. CPU’s try to get more cores instead of more power for single core. This is helpful if you stream demanding games or do a lot of heavy video editing for example. Otherwise a 4-6 core 6700 CPU is better then a 7600. The incoming I9’s are just useless. It isn’t just GD that doesn’t use multi-cores well. A lot of games are bad at it…surprisingly a lot of games still don’t use all possible cores. So why bother getting a new CPU with 12+ cores.

The Ryzen 1600 is capable of doing quite a lot. If possible try to get the 1700 since it allows you to do a lot more and will stay with you for longer period of time. Price wise shouldn’t be too much of a difference. I personally run an i5 at the moment with 3.6ghz base speed, 3.9ghz turbo… makes GD run smooth. Except for Valbury :stuck_out_tongue:

Graphics cards I personally use an RX480 8gb card and it runs GD smoothly. So a 1060 3gb card or higher should run this game just perfectly with all settings maxed. I wouldn’t go for a 1050. the RX480 and 580 aren’t that expensive and gives you performance of an 1060 / 1070. This is pure price/performance reasoning. If you’re not getting a 1080gtx or TI then its just not worth going Nvidea at this point. Not the thing how nvidea cards stutter in random games, because that is incidental and not the case for most people.

Windows 10 shouldn’t give you any issues. Keep in mind that it does use more RAM then previous windows versions. Make sure to have at least 8gb of RAM with 1600mhz or faster sticks in your computer.

Also see if you can get an SSD hard drive to use for your games. It’ll help with data processing quite a bit as well for smoother experiences. And prices aren’t that high anymore for a 120gb SSD. I use one for my OS/programs and thinkign about getting one for the occasional games. While using my 1tb hd for regular games.

Also check out Gamers Nexus on youtube for great video’s and info.

Just going to add my 2 cents here. :wink:

Windows 10 has never given me any issues with GD, or anything really.

Price to performance, i would go Ryzen. Yes, Intel does have slightly better single core performance over AMD, but again price. Also, (oddly) newer Intel CPUs seem to be running hotter than Ryzen CPUs, so you might have to also buy a heatsink other than the stock cooler. Again more $. Another thing (in general, not always the case) MOBOs seem to be less expensive on the AMD side as well.

As for the GPU, well after a quick look, the cheapest 480/580 that is IN STOCK on Newegg (remember the mining craze that just happened) is $400. On the green team you can get a 1060 for less than $300 (some are closer to $200). I’ve been playing GD on a GTX 950 with 2GB VRAM, with no issue from that card. I can tell just from monitoring my rig that any issues i have come from my cpu (FX 8350 OC’ed to 4.6 Ghz). Point is, basically any new card will perform better than mine :stuck_out_tongue:

Make sure to get a SSD, for your OS and GD. Every thing else can be put on a HDD, maybe even the one you have in your system now :wink:

Last and defiantly not least, make sure to spend $2K on a fully custom water loop. :rolleyes::rolleyes::stuck_out_tongue:

Thx everybody for feedback

Regarding the mining craze its best to wait 2-3 months for prices to stabilize again for GPU’s. that’s why i’m holding back on getting a 1080gti. they’re too expensive atm.

Yeah but his machine might die before then.

The only decent 1080p cards anywhere close to MSRP right now are the 1050 Ti and the 1080 (Ti).

Important questions to answer are:

  1. How long do you think your current machine will last?
  2. What’s your budget like?
  3. Are you going to upgrade your monitor? If not, what are its specs?
  4. What other games besides GD do you plan to play?
  5. Are you willing to build your rig yourself?

Some advice:

  • Use https://pcpartpicker.com/ but be advised it can be slightly outdated and does not factor in promo codes or student discounts, etc.
  • Seriously consider the Pentium G4560 if you’re on a budget
  • Miners are swooping in on the 1050 Ti right now, you need to act very fast to get a decent, near-MSRP price for that card
  • AMD Vega gaming cards are just around the corner and it might be worth waiting a couple of weeks (if possible) to see how good they are, but you might need to compete with miners to get them
  • There will be big news in the cryptocurrency world on Aug. 1 that may significantly affect your GPU buying strategy
  • Buying a used card may not be a good idea because it may have been mining 24/7 for months on end and may die soon
  1. my pc is going to give back its soul to the maker soon
    2)my budget is 500/600 euro
    3)my monitor is 1980x1600 and that i’m not gonna upgrade
    4)I play turn based games and crpgs

The build i almost finished takes consideration all this points and that’s why (to give you an idea) in the site you suggested is something similar to the “entry level”.

Every time i have to buy a new pc i spend always the same more or less because actually what i like is pretty “cheap” and not demanding from graphics/hardware point of view.

Nice. You’re pretty much good then.

Yup, i was interested in some feedback about how some gpu/cpu/os behave with GD because i often read posts about people who has problems.

ps: the performance improvement patch was the last one or is yet to come?

I got my new rig : Ryzen5 1600, nvidia gtx 1050t1, 8gb ram. I can confirm this gpu doesn’t give any problems with gd, i run it with all to max settings and it’s good and stable. Os is win 10.

How bout Plains of strife with all mobs on you and particles and lighting max out and cluttering the screen? :stuck_out_tongue:

I just built a low profile SFF PC for my son to play with and it works great on the highest settings.

Dell Optiplex 9010 SFF Desktop
Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.40
GeForce 1050ti LP 4GB GDDR5

Cost only ~$400 total… :smiley:

I’m running with 970 gtx and intel i5 7600k. I used to have i5 4460 while back and upgrading it to brand new helped a ton with my fps issues in GD.

Now running mostly on highest settings, fps is around 60-100, sometimes dips to something like 50 or so. I don’t play crucible so i don’t know how low it would go there.

For comparison sake, I run GD at 1080p, 4xAA, 16xAF, all settings set to “High” and all the boxes checked besides “Depth of Field”.

I’m at 60 fps (vsync) 99% of the time with the lowest dips in the mid-50’s when things get absolutely insane.

(I don’t know what happened, but when I upgraded from my year old 375.70 drivers to the newest 384.94’s, my Grim Dawn performance increased DRAMATICALLY)

see rig specs below