My trading post has the full inventory icon, although it’s empty. It happened when I build my vault and wanted to empty my warehouse of gold by transferring all gold to the trading post and then transferring it back to global storage. Now part of my gold isn’t stored anywhere (I have more gold than is totally stored in my vault, trade post, warehouses, carts and foundry combined), stored is about 1500 in global storage, yet I have about 5500 in my global “wallet”. Any gold used for building or transferring to the trade house get’s taken out of the vault, same as any gold earned is put in the vault. Whenever I now transfer gold to my trade post and back to global storage, it doesnt go into the vault, but into my “hidden wallet”. Vault is set to accept gold, warehouse not. Also despite labelled as full, the trade post still works normally.
Can confirm, I was going to post the same issue but here it is. I have nothing in my trading center yet it shows full.
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