Good morning from Germany

Good morning (or what time in your country already is) :slight_smile:
I’m Nesbi(15) and a real fan of Titan Quest and IT.
I was really glad that “Crate Entertainment” was founded and is now working at this interresting titel. :slight_smile:
I wish you(Crate) success in your work and also I’m looking forward to be a part of your community :smiley:

PS.: I hope my English is not such bad as I’m thinking :wink:

Good morning and welcome! And your english is very understandable :slight_smile:

Hallo und wilkommen xD oh yeah

ok my german is not that good but what ever :smiley: welcome from Denmark enjoy your stay and have fun ;D

Good evening to you, very young padawan. Are you from Bavaria or Baden-Württenberg and enjoying the rest of your whitsun holidays? Or how comes that you post here three o’clock in the morning? :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, lack of sleep does apparently not lower your English skills.

Heheh, let me try:

Wilkommen bei Grim Morgengrauen Land.

Hiya, from Canada!

ich wilcommen dihr auch hir von denmark ünge kind :slight_smile:

good to see some germany people here, so you can start to spread the word to germany, i know there is a huge amounth of gamers i germany :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum! Your English is a lot better than my German! :smiley:

You speak english very well actually, better than some with english as their native language :stuck_out_tongue: Welcome to the Grim Dawn family, enjoy your new home.

Good Morning from Ohioland.

Thanks to all :slight_smile:

Yes I’m from Baden Württemberg near to Bavaria
And yes I anjoy the rest of my holidays :wink:

Some little mistakes but I understand :wink:
Yes I think here are many gamers but I don’t now ^^

Uhh I didn’t now. Dawn meens Morgengrauen interresting :smiley:
and a “im” instead of “bei” then it’s perfect :wink:

Good :smiley:
I didn’t now that so many people speak german (or speak a bit of it :wink: )