I’m levelling a second character (melee 2h cadence death knight), grabbed all the easy XP after using saviours merit, and can progress no more. Cannot kill normal hive queen revna, cannot kill elite warden Krieg. Character is level 42, all of my epic/legendaries can only be equipped lv.50+.
Should I go farm some levelling items on my other character (ranged dw purifier lv.100)? If so, how should I approach it? Farming totems in normal?
I mean, I’m literally just playing with garbage I’ve been picking off the ground, but here it is https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN4mgb02
I was trying out oathbreaker since I found it randomly, I was just using some magic club I found before
Oathbreaker does not really fit a Death Knight, so I would switch back to melee and shield - see the second weapon configuration: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZP18RjN
Especially for melee upgrade your chest and pants to something with more armor. Pick the best of five randomly crafted magic items (per slot).
Amulet and medal need to be upgraded, too.
Use components (some need to be crafted) in all slots and assign any granted skills to your hotkeys.
Try to get more Attack Damage converted to Health (aka Life Steal).
I moved skill points a bit, so that your Passive Weapon Skills have a higher activation chance.
If you keep playing with a shield learn Shield Training.
70 points in the mastery bars should be sufficient for the next 10-15 levels.
If you prefer ranged combat, free up the points in Blitz.
Thanks for the link, I’m actually following another build guide that revolves around the “the Leviathan”, I’ve been playing for a while and have all the gear for it, just need to level the character up to up everything on