Grava's Foodie thread

Bevdogg - that’s just plain AWFUL! :smiley:

Never tried it… Never want to!

Me neither! :smiley:

And something to wash down that god awful chocolate…


How is it that I’ve never seen this thread. I was cleaning out my inbox this morning and there’s a single lonely PM form Medea that I somehow never saw.

And here it is, a glorious thread about rare and awful foods.

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All I can say is thank the gods of Cairn it wasn’t something urgent! :smiley:

Here are a few more I’m not sure made it into the dev stream. How about some peanut butter KitKats to munch on.

Wash them down with either a KitKat or Oreo shake.

or some chilli beer

Been a while @Grava, but here’s a whole host of awful stuff to get those teeth of yours into. I especially liked the suggestion of deep fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Just what you want to eat when you’re doing a live dev stream. :crazy_face:

Follow it up with a deep fried Mars bar to really fry your arteries.

I really should try the fried butter balls.

Have to wait till my wife is not here or it will end with a divorce. :rofl:

Two tasty chocolates, tested by me. If someone wants to know how they taste, just ask:

I clearly need to be paying more attention to this thread.

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Food stream when?


Well, we need to find some more interesting food which you can actually buy. My examples are very hard to get in the U. S., I believe.

This might be easier to get.

I know it’s the low hanging fruit but…how god awful would just plain old “not premium” Haggis taste?

Sht don’t taste better because you called it “premium” sht…Just sayin.

I really like them and I buy a lot of these cans before Brexit is coming. :heart_eyes:

Whenever you’re hungry enough to do one. :rofl:

Found another one


For a moment I thought it said Huggies

Picked this up from the discord

Okay, maybe not for a stream, but how about having a Marshmallow fondue or a Gooseberry wine one. :grinning:

Hubby’s just seen an advert for this - Marmite Peanut Butter.
