Greetings Community

Hello, I am amazed that I hadn’t heard of this game before now. I was looking into more information about Titan Quest and wishing Ironlore hadn’t gone out of business when I stumble across Crate Entertainment. I am so pumped for this game already. I haven’t gotten very far in Titan Quest but I love it. Even for its time the visuals were and still are amazing. The editor is one of the finest I have ever touched as well.

When the time comes I hope to be able to make some videos for my Youtube channel. Anyone know if it will be ok to make videos of it when it is in Alpha or will we have to wait till it goes Gold? It is still in pre-Alpha correct?

Thank you Crate for making this game.

Hello there and welcome! :slight_smile:

I’ll make sure to check your channel when I’ll have some time. I am myself doing a let’s play of the mod Lilith (I must be crazy, it will take me months to complete it) and would love to do one for Grim Dawn when it will be released, but I haven’t dare asking until now. On one hand it’s a good way to present the game, on the other I’ll understand if the developers don’t want to see the whole game being spoiled on youtube!


I’d assume it will be OK. medierra had only little concerns with the [thread=753]First GD video![/thread]
… and [post=21904]GD is still pre-alpha[/post]. We are hoping for the alpha release this spring.

Greetings !

And imo depends if they plan on having a NDA :stuck_out_tongue:

though i beleive the more exposure they have the better so having an NDA might not be too great… though alpha considering the potential bugs and all… who knows, we’ll see right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the responses. I agree, the more exposure the better. I had no idea they reformed into Crate Entertainment. So very excited. Spring can’t come soon enough. :smiley:

Hi and welcome!

I’m not sure yet what our NDA will entail. On one hand, I’m all for allowing people to post up videos and screenshots of the game in alpha as I think it is a great way to spread the word. On the other, I can see the potential to have someone become disgruntled due to unrealistic expectations of what an alpha is and start posting videos of bugs and such that could cause people to lose interest in the game. I think my desire for the former out-weights my fear of the latter though. Hopefully the hardcore audience has enough understanding of game alphas to realize bugs and such are to be expected and aren’t necessarily any indicator of what the game will be like at release.

I imagine the NDA will only disallow you from portraying the game as anything less than the pinnacle of all gaming experiences and require you to refer to me as “The Exalted Leader”.

^^ haha amen!

but yeah i know i dont have a say in this but to me it would seem like a Alpha NDA would be understandable and eventually lift this as the game goes into beta.

Even though gaming comunity understand what a beta is, some will only see the flaws and bugs, that cannot de denied, and i feel like Alpha videos on youtube for instance will grow to become beta from one hear to another. like the telephone game when we were kids.

And wel thats the alst thing yas would want isnt it :P!

thats my 2cents haha :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, thats the problem, we don’t really have control over how people present the videos or what they call them.

What seems particularly bad to me is the potential for alpha videos to be posted on youtube with no indication that they are alpha and then remain there for people to see after release, at which point they may assume they’re looking at the final game.

I think the safe thing is to have an NDA in place so that we can lift it at the right time when we feel like the game is in a state good enough that we won’t have to fear what might end up in a ambiguously named video that lingers around for years after release.

Do disgruntled people even care about NDA’s?

I am not saying not to have one, to me it really doesn’t matter…I guess I just don’t see the value especially when the reality is you are allowing random people to just download and play the game. If someone posts a shitty video online it’s not like you will have any idea who did it, and therefore have no recourse if the NDA is broken.

Personally I think the more important consideration is what to release as alpha/beta versions…


Didn’t see this when I posted…but yeah the first part is basically what I was getting at :stuck_out_tongue:

One consideration though…maybe in all alpha/beta builds have console text displayed on the top left of the screen…something like:

Grim Dawn Alpha Build .432
42.6 fps

Just a few lines making it very obvious to anyone looking at the video that they are watching a pre-release build.

A good example would be Minecraft:

i guess thats actually a pretty good idea…

one CAN try and remove that part of the video though it will take someone who actually want to hurt grim dawn, and will not relate to all the other videos, so people would, hopefully, notice

Well, I would like you to take a look at the video I made for Miner Wars 2081and let me know how you like the way I went about it. I’m fully willing to work with Crate to make sure that I represent it in its proper light as it is in Alpha, Beta and Gold.

I’m intrigued about that upcoming miner wars, i know its the second installement but… i’m a huge fan of space simulations, arcade style such as freelancer, X3 on a larger lonelier scale haha and such, and… i feel like as PvP would be fun.

When you’re being chased, you destroy a small path hide in there, when the opponent passes by VLAM you’re now chasing him.

Also REALLY looking foward Black Prophecy

Or, we can wait for you to patch the bugs and release a video response saying the bug is fixed AND GET YOU MORE REP :wink: