Greetings Fellow Future Grim Dawn"ers"

Just wanted to jump in and say “hello” to everyone with my first post after having discovered and purchased this game yesterday.

I must say from what screen captures, web site write ups (I read both PC Gamer and Gamespy’s writeups), and the videos of this games, it looks to be coming along nicely and all of Crate’s hard work is going to pay off.

Besides just purchasing the game and being able to participate in earlier versions to give you guys feedback let me/us know what else we can do to help. Oh and don’t worry about spreading the word - I’m already doing that. So far I got 2 of my buddies on board and the list is growing!

Hi and welcome to the forums from a fellow Grimmer.

always good to spread the word, so thanks for your support there, as the game will certainly profit a lot from that

and hi and welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay

Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy it here, and maybe make some new friends!

Glad to see you here buddy, and welcome !

Greetings snoop!

Finally just bought it. This is my second post with more to come. Very excited about this game since D3 sucked(IMO). Can’t wait to play! Good luck Crate! Your doing an awsome job guys!