
Hello everyone,

my RL name is Michael. I’m from Austria and I’m working as a Web developer (read: code monkey). :slight_smile:

I’ve just recently rediscovered Grim Dawn (heard about it waaaay back when it was announced, totally forgot about it after that) when I was looking for something to play in my winter holidays. I have quite a history with ARPGs, going back to Diablo 1 and thousands of hours in D2. Aside from those two I’ve played Torchlight and a few hours of Path of Exile (don’t like it that you can’t really play selffound, although I guess that was the same with D2). I also play one or two weeks of every new D3 season (gets boring for me after that, but I like checking out the new features). Titan Quest is something I didn’t really get to play due to time reasons back then, but I might do that some time in the future (owning both the base game and the expansion).

Haven’t played Grim Dawn yet as I’m just about to get started. I’ve been reading and watching a lot though and so far it looks very promising. :smiley:

One question: I’ve already bought the game on Steam before realizing that you also have the Patron and Loyalist packs. I’d really like to upgrade to Loyalist (no need to subtract the 25 USD from the Steam purchase btw), just because I like to support small Indie teams (and for the rewards of course :p). Is there even a way for me to upgrade my already purchased Steam version so I can use the ingame rewards (I prefer playing via Steam instead of DRM free for convenience reasons and because I own a Steam Link for streaming to my TV)? Or will I only be able to get those ingame rewards on the DRM free version of the game when it comes out?

Thank you in advance. :wink:

hi ! welcome to the forum and this great game. see you for here. :slight_smile:

if you buy now. You will receive a key to the content once the final release is.

Steam may eventually get DLC options for the extra goodies that the Buy Now! page has.

Or you could just buy one of the tiers now, give or sell the Steam Key and keep the other key for yourself I believe that will then give you access to whatever bonuses as well.

Hello FromTheInternetz aka Michael,

and welcome to the forum and grim dawn

Hi, and welcome :).