Grim Dawn performance on iGPU showcase - FullHD

Hi Guys,

I’ve been always wondering how GD will perform without any GPU with some better CPU inbuild GPU. Now I had occasion to test it, so it looks like it is performing very nice on minimal graphical settings in FHD. It is totally playable in my opinion. FPS is around 50, with some dips from time to time but still… hay it’s olny iGPU. Feeling of the gamplay is really smooth and all. That’s a nice surprise for me really! :slight_smile:

Here is a video showing how it looks like to play Grim Dawn on iGPU in 2024:


Not bad. Will point out GD, like any ARPG, is more CPU intensive that other types of games. So doubling down of the workload probably impacts it more than other games. Looks like it runs pretty good though!