Grim Dawn ahhhhh yeah..


Name jalliboy
age: 28

Been a playing games since i was 5, and still love it.
Also, i have alway sloved games like grim dawn. Diablo, titan quest , grim dawn…
Love em all… Got a good feeling about the future of grim dawn :slight_smile:

So if any of you have any questions, Feel free to ask ^^

also if you wanna talk about football, martial arts( MMA or thai boxing) feel free to start a conversation.

Hello and welcome to the forums! Glad you’re enjoying Grim Dawn, sounds right up your alley.

Thanks :slight_smile:
Yeah… love grim dawn. cant wait to get past home front and continiue playing on my arcaninst
Better farm some EXP and try to get my hands om some better gear :smiley:

Sweet PC rig btw

welcome and have a nice time

thanks… i will :smiley: