Grim Dawn Expansion Development News

By popular demand…

I expect a teddy bear nemesis. Let’s get it done, people!

So you don’t see this silhouette? Maybe your monitor is not good enough :wink: Anyone else see it ?

^ That’s clearly an octopus.

Hentai Mastery confirmed? :eek:

Agreed on both

Also, i got doubts about current state of game. % Damage to Beast and Beastkin won’t affect Insects like Sicrix right?

calling it right now, i think the lastest mastery will surprise everyone

and it WILL be enlightening

“Empyrion, the greatest among the gods, is the light of the world and protector of all of Cairn. It is by his mercy and example that the sun greets mankind each day.”

the REAL Empyrion’s light will shine forth with this new Mastery!

if I am wrong, well i like this possibility to much to say oops!

If i guess right i hope they finally make a Legendary shield named “Ward’s Ward” :slight_smile:

Considering how we already tend to get jumped by three beast Heroes at once, I look forward to the increased Hero spawn rank. :smiley:

Monk, that has to be staff/spear-wielding monk.

Yeah it’s a monk that has been resurrected by the 8th mastery Necromancer.

Necromancer Mastery with Undead Monk summon :rolleyes:

Who’s that pokemon?

Zantai dropped some bombshells in the latest dev stream.

Compared to the coolstory about Zantai’s sig it’s rather unimpressive.

Ballerina class confirmed.

Necromancerish Mastery with some spiffy looking shoulderpads?


Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?

The level of troll is just too great.

The 8th mastery is supposed to be:

  • Something we’ve met before in our travels
  • Some part of “Necroblood”
  • Enlightening
  • Some sort of caster class judging from the recent pic
  • Horny

I’m actually pretty anxious, because the whole “enlightening” tip does not seem suggestive of the necromancer-ish mastery. And I already prepared myself mentally for a necromancer-ish mastery. So I’m pretty tense right now.

I’m serious, this is really getting on my nerves.

I feel that the “enlightening” tip was actually more a reference to what others already discovered. Play with the lighting/brightness levels of the image to reveal the outline in the image.

I’m leaning toward it not having anything to actually do with what the mastery is going to be. Could be wrong but that’s my thinking on it.

Oh, that’s a good catch! Makes sense actually…

Looking forward to the big reveal! Still think/hope it’s something to do with spirit guide! Can have summons, be aether and vitality based. No doubt it will end up being something completely different! Hope it’s more inspired than necromancer!

I could swear we’ve been told that it is not, in any way, called a Necromancer.

Anyway, I wonder if the “something you’ve met before” is the female you freed from being burned alive by those peasants in the Blood Grove.