great news! keep us updated
That’s a pleasant surprise. I predicted late Q3 or Q4.
I’d just go with Q3 and be on the safe side. when it comes to projects you never know about any unexpected hiccups that might show up.
Does this means that you’re gonna reveal the 8th mastery next Monday?
Also, you’re still owing us a preview of the skill tree from the Inquisitor mastery. :3
Q1 would be a premature release and game would probably be infested with bugs… I’d rather have it later this year so that they can spice more content up like adding up an arsenal of primal ancients… and maybe throwing in a couple of Michael Bay style trailers as well :rolleyes:
Great work Crate. I hope this expansion it will not be the final of game
Yeah, it’s quite crazy that they even consider Q1 while it ends in 6 weeks. The only case when it’s a possibility is the xpak being basically done already, and the testing starts in the next two weeks.
Well, I’m seriously stoked.
I only hope they’ll get the pricing right. Everything Grim Dawn related that they sold so far was rather cheap. I’d rather expansion costing slightly more, if it could increase their revenue and make another expansion more probable. Or I’ll just buy two copies, lol.
Btw. where did the info on the 8th mastery come from (specifically, aether damage, non-necro summoning)? Was it the last dev stream?
AKAIK Gibly is a closed beta tester so it’s probably some inside info. :eek:
yeah from Zantai in one of the stream chats.
I hope the release of the expansion is near, they said already in october last year on their facebook, that they´re aiming for late q1/early q2. And now Zantai is still aiming for q1/q2, so I think everything is going well in the development. I hope it at least
@krell_154: Zantai told us in one of the last streams.
Edit: Ninja´d
its just tid bits i picked up from stream mostly.
Zantai said:
-no necromancer, but never specified what it would be otherwise
-summoning aspect is derived from a previous misadventure
-a guess for a witch like mastery is because… well all the hints point to it
-Aether was said during a stream
As for Inquisitor.
We know the name of a fire spell. at least the working name, which might change into something else for release. the name implies it has healing aspect to it. On top of that the devs said several times that people who want to play a paladin might find Inquisitor an interesting base mastery to work with.
As for all this info. It is just from public sources everyone has access to. Nothing “inside”, because there is nothing. And if there is we aren’t allowed to mention it unless Zantai says otherwise.
Yes, and I assumed it was allowed. Being inside info was also an assumption because I haven’t seen most of it mentioned here before, especially details on the new devotions. Gotta start watching these dev streams, I think. Wish someone lead a blog on what was on stream so I could just read it.
I was told Tier 3 constellations are based on Arkovian Gods
What the fuck is a phoenix doing in Grim Dawn, it doesn’t seem to fit? :eek:
Just need to confirm this for 85 character who have literally over-farmed the content will the new content have enough XP to hit level 100?
Nice try Zantai :p:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Nice good to hear this. Is it confirmed Old Grove has been cancelled? Dikki said they cancelled it so would Devil’s Crossing be remodelled as well?
Call me crazy but i am more excited for this now. After taking a break from the game i got back into Age of Empires and man is it good. Really interested in what theme Crate bases their next RTS on (please no turn-based :()
Thanks Gibly
Anyone else see aether damage on elgoloth storm box mentioned in chat? Or was I dreaming.
Ultos/Ishtak constellations hype!
Old Grove?
Area south of DC past the broken bridge
I think it was Dikkie who said they cancelled it so does this mean Devil’s Crossing gets a facelift?
During a stream. Zantai mentioned that, at that time, he was still looking for inspiration. On another stream for EscapistMagazine I caught Medierra and Zantai mentioning how everything thusfar had origins in south american myth and that they were trying to keep that intact. I don’t know that much about south american myth in regards to a Phoenix
Just need to confirm this for 85 character who have literally over-farmed the content will the new content have enough XP to hit level 100?
No idea yet. But would assume so. Might require the needed XP reward balancing during testing to make it fit.
In case you haven’t noticed. The xp gain has already increased a short bit ago. People are often way overleveled compared to the earlier days. Good thing opponents scale somewhat hehe.
If you mean that the XP you’ve currently gathered through farming could be enough to be equal to a lvl 100… maybe. But it doesn’t matter since you’ll just be lvl 85 and have to get xp and such from that point on anyway. You’re not automatically becoming a lvl 100 when the cap is raised even if you farmed the experience for it. HAsn’t worked that way either in the past when the lvl cap was only 20.
Nice good to hear this. Is it confirmed Old Grove has been cancelled? Dikki said they cancelled it so would Devil’s Crossing be remodelled as well?
I missed this bit of info. But if Dikkie says so its most likely true.
As for DC being remoddeled…first I hear anything about this. Ask it as a direct question too Zantai. If not I’ll do it during the friday stream for you.
Call me crazy but i am more excited for this now. After taking a break from the game i got back into Age of Empires and man is it good. Really interested in what theme Crate bases their next RTS on (please no turn-based :()
I would love a proper base building RTS instead of a Moba. God I hate MOBA’s. but medierra hasn’t said much about it. So very little info regarding this. Its a very young project. I’d be surprised if they’re even out of concept/prototype fase with it. We’ll just have to be patient
When did I say non necromancer when Necrobloodpsycook is on the table?
Giving you such a big clue seems unlike me.
I like how words get inserted into things I said, totally changing the context.
I never said “everything thus far had origins in south american myth”…I did not even say south.
There are some monsters in the expansion inspired by Native American mythology.
Pretty sure we never said Old Grove was canceled so we could remodel Devil’s Crossing…Those seem like two totally unrelated events, not that we’re remodeling Devil’s Crossing either. As was said before, we want you to mostly visit new areas of the world, though you may stop by Devil’s Crossing briefly…