Grim Dawn Legendary Jewelry + Belts Feedback

I’ve just finished updating my old sabo to this [] Cold FS Saboteur-pure DW melee,no greens Gladiator in 7.05 and the belt is one of the core pieces for it. The +1 to demo and 50% conversion is all this belt needs. The rest is gravy. With the belt and rimetongue helm, you can get an average 80% fire to cold conversion. 96% max conversion on top rolls. This allows almost full conversion on sets like Elemental Harmony and Sacred Balance and all that flat fire damage from demo.

I love this ring on Stronghold + Justicar purifier. If you ignore the WPS and bonus damage, you will notice this ring is still packing some very high stats to OA/DA and resistances. +skills to Ranged Expertise and Temper are always useful.

True the WPS is a bit weak but if shotgunned, you still end up with 4x28 = 112% WDMG. Not to mention Brimstone procs on all the projectiles for full damage. (not sure on this last point. Maybe Brimstone is subject to damage reduction)

That said, I would be happy for more buffs to this ring. Trade in that bleed damage for crit dmg for the thematic “luck” and we’re golden. :grinning: