Grim Dawn Lore - History of Arcanist's from Cairn World

Hi friends, as many of you already know, GD is one of the best RPGs, which has become quite popular. We see a lot of gaming channels on youtube and twitch that spend streams on the game nowadays. Some of them giving gameplay content, other build’s review, and few of them is trying to do LOR’e videos. And about Lore videos I want to talk.

Magicians and Magic of Cairn’s World

My friend Vitaliy is made Lore video about Arcanists, magicians who are associated with elemental magic and Aether, about their history, re-emergence, guided only by facts from the notes and items from the game itself. If someone is interested in Lore of Grim Dawn’s world, all is welcome to watch this video. You can switch ENG subtitles, or listen to Russian language. :slight_smile: