oh yeah. this is an iceberg. of course ulzuin won’t come anywhere near it. he’s not a chilly god.
or… is he…?
cryovolcanic MANIPULATION
super dumb theory:
nobody knows where ulzuin is currently is, except the 3 witches gangsta.
but it is very obvious where he is now.
he was a god of ceremonial healing, but now he’s a god of VENGEANCE & DESTRUCTION.
and we all know, revenge is a dish best served cold.
so, ulzuin is chilling with yugol now. trying to learn cryovolcanic manipulation technique, so he can become the god with songs of ICe & FIre (and occasional lightning. volcanic eruptions sometimes create lightning too).
and right now, yugol is the mostest finalest biggest baddest evilest boss in grim dawn (morgoneth dungeon and shattered realm are the evidence).
yugol and ulzuin will make duo dynamic entry upon cairn in gd2. make sure to overcap all your fire & cold resistances.
dumb edit for dumb reason:
the 5 stages of grief are:
denial > anger > bargaining > depression > acceptance
ulzuin denies the fact that a mortal witch (bysmiel) could trick him into leaving korvan lands for dumb reason at the moment the 3 witchies assault korvaak.
ulzuin gets RAGEY. then calls his father empyrion for help. then realize empyrion is gone (you just realize now? where are you when the chthonian defeats empy & korvaak’s forces? cozying up in korvaak’s?), then RAGE some more, then decides to create GIANT ETERNAL VOLCANO under his own temple and korvan city. because he can’t trust his own people now. then ragequit out to who knows where.
ulzuin bargains with any mortals who loved VENGEANCE & DESTRUCTION. blessing them with the power of VOLCANIC DESTRUCTION to spread VENGEANCE & DESTRUCTION everywhere in cairn.
ulzuin got depressed because he lost his purpose. empyrion is gone. his vengeance scheme totally fails (the 3 witchies gangsta everyday in cairn). then he met yugol.
ulzuin accepts yugol’s acceptance about nonexistence. thermodynamic shenanigans finally comes to full circle. ulzuin reluctantly accepts entropic balance of everything. the heat from the core of his star heart starts to dim. cold damage is the best.