Grim Dawn Meme Corner

It was only off-hand bug when I first reported it. Now it contaminated to main-hand aswell. Tired hands, cool name for a bug :rofl:

I was rocking this bug in April 2020 :sunglasses: Fashion Dawn
I remember trying to manipulate it for different shots - maybe it’s a feature :grin:

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aka Korvaak the musical:



two korvaak cultists, man and woman skips by, holding hands while chanting ‘KORVAAK, SHAVE ME’. in the background, c’thonians sprouts like flowers from the ground and various ‘heretics’ (including the 3 mafia bosses, moggy-moggy, rave-rave, aetherials, resistances, scorv’s cannibals and a crate) can be seen burping at each other

me:korvaak, don’t shave me.


This always made me snicker… that there is an untouched meal in THAT camp where you find the diary of the mother and daughter who turned into Wendigos. I mean, what do you think that meal was made from? :smiley:
… and thus begins your inevitable alliance with Barrowholm. :smiley:

Hard to see from the pic, it is too small, what is the problem? Weapons look fine…


It’s a weapon illusion bug. Your character barely holds weapon, like they are about to fall to ground. Normally you see the weapon’s top looking at you but yes if I did get a side shot, it would have been more clear.

the taken: after eating (un)touched meal - Ahh… I’ve ascended through cannibalism. how amazing…

Hmm, I think I see that with pistols, when I give them to the character for a second or two they look wrong, but then they right themselves.

you know what, i think ‘untouched meal’ deserved to be memed until its ‘touched’.

because just imagine it. when cairn get steamrolled by the grim dawn apocalypse which left it desolate and infested with otherworldly horrors, you can still find ‘untouched meal’ here and there. imagine a cacophony of c’thonians/yugols/aetherials/beasts/bandits/undeads rampaging through a town and destroying everything except that ‘untouched meal’ on a nice dining table.

the taken: i can’t tell the difference between ‘touched’ and ‘untouched’ meals. they’re all the same to me. takes a bite from a tentacular monster’s vital essence

Yes, rnGesus thanks you, that was the exact roll I need… and no it’s not belong to throphy room :rofl:

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It’s called Blaze Herald after all.

How many Smurfs can you exterminate in an hour?
@RektbyProtoss Yes

Smurfs living peacefully in their village when Rekt arrives:

They tried to hide underground:

Actually there are more Smurf villages. Or rather there were:

It’s even more heart-breaking when you hear them scream.

Maximum efficiency:

Rekt was smiling the whole time. I reported him on Twitch for exceptional cruelty.


It has nothing to do with Fire Damage :frowning: No fire skill support. Base damage Aether, has aether support, has pierce>aether conversion. So Blaze is just a theme :smiley:

Who knows maybe it was supposed to be a fire weapon! :eyes:

Don’t worry, Diablo smurfed his ass well.

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I like to think Diablo is a physical manifestation of combined hate felt by all these Smurfs when they were exterminated.

Mephisto: *confused screams


A weapon with identity crisis.
A level 75 version of Stormreaver. Storm totem and stormbox bonuses, also a granted skill. Looks like a cooldown caster weapon! Cannot see a level 94 version to cast even more!

…Wot? Attack speed? Bonuses to cadence and savagery??? At least a skill modifier to storm totem, yay! Also it has lower base damage than the level 75 version. :eyes:
Truly a cursed weapon!


At least, it is consistent. Not like this abomination :laughing:.


I assume by Smurf you mean Grobles? They are hard to make out on the GIFs. Is that the Oathkeeper skill Vire’s Might? Have not tried that yet.

Hmm, more liker Passive-Agressive Raiment of Attack… decided to land far away and float in the air rather than be allowed to be picked up.

The first Chthonian zoo has just opened in the Desolate Wastes. Please do not feed the Harbingers, I know they have such sad puppy faces, but they will steal your blood and use it to resurrect their dead god, so please don’t approach the bars. Also, see the zookeeper about removing curses.

(Yeah basically spawned in that little area in the middle, and could not get out.

Well, you don’t see many fantasy movies or RPGs with spellcasters wielding giant two-handed weapons (I know, Gandalf did, but he was kind of a god…) I feel it is more for a melee Shaman build who throws down totems then attacks the enemies in melee.

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