Grim Dawn Meme Corner

It has nothing to do with Fire Damage :frowning: No fire skill support. Base damage Aether, has aether support, has pierce>aether conversion. So Blaze is just a theme :smiley:

Who knows maybe it was supposed to be a fire weapon! :eyes:

Don’t worry, Diablo smurfed his ass well.

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I like to think Diablo is a physical manifestation of combined hate felt by all these Smurfs when they were exterminated.

Mephisto: *confused screams


A weapon with identity crisis.
A level 75 version of Stormreaver. Storm totem and stormbox bonuses, also a granted skill. Looks like a cooldown caster weapon! Cannot see a level 94 version to cast even more!

…Wot? Attack speed? Bonuses to cadence and savagery??? At least a skill modifier to storm totem, yay! Also it has lower base damage than the level 75 version. :eyes:
Truly a cursed weapon!


At least, it is consistent. Not like this abomination :laughing:.


I assume by Smurf you mean Grobles? They are hard to make out on the GIFs. Is that the Oathkeeper skill Vire’s Might? Have not tried that yet.

Hmm, more liker Passive-Agressive Raiment of Attack… decided to land far away and float in the air rather than be allowed to be picked up.

The first Chthonian zoo has just opened in the Desolate Wastes. Please do not feed the Harbingers, I know they have such sad puppy faces, but they will steal your blood and use it to resurrect their dead god, so please don’t approach the bars. Also, see the zookeeper about removing curses.

(Yeah basically spawned in that little area in the middle, and could not get out.

Well, you don’t see many fantasy movies or RPGs with spellcasters wielding giant two-handed weapons (I know, Gandalf did, but he was kind of a god…) I feel it is more for a melee Shaman build who throws down totems then attacks the enemies in melee.

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Are these not bugs you should be reporting, rather than posting them as memes?

These are Diablo 2 mod Reign of Terror, fetishes and some Paladin skill resembling Vire’s Might

These things always happen in the game, monsters or objects spawning/falling outside the game area. It’s not gamebreaking (you can still kill them and I can pick up the items) but they are a fun error. Besides what can I report? It’s not like this is not known to the developers. The monsters spawner tokens that are near unpassable areas often spawn one or two behind or inside walls.
Sorry maybe I don’t get the meme idea, but I remember back in the TQ days we used to have a topic for such fun visual errors or the hilarious results of enemy ragdoll physics. I assumed this topic would be the same, 'cause I never found a similar one.

I never got there as the mod keeps freezing in the Underground passage for me. What monster models do they use for the Fetishes?

They’re still bugs and should be reported. While the devs may know it happens, they don’t always know exactly where in the game they happen; reporting helps them narrow it down so they can hopefully fix it.

Well now I feel silly after reporting the Agarrad duplication bug and seeing that the devs know about it and lots of reports have been made, it’s just not gonna be resolved… :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, hey, maybe it is his twin brother who was always trying to outdo-him in business deals, and when one brother was lost in the cursed Aetherial infested city everyone fled, the other brother instead went into the city fuming and muttering “Yeah, I bet this is all his plan to make the deal of the century, well, two can play this game!” :smiley:

Aegis of Menhir: :crate: “no fun allowed” Entertainment vs Modders


  • has CD
  • you throw a shield


  • no CD
  • you throw a 2hander

Modded Aegis footage stolen from @RektbyProtoss


is there a mod that allow us to throw offhands other than shields? like throwing them books…

shame there’s no two handed books. would have so much joy throwing them around. great for preacher builds.


Playing through Slormancer as a mighty knight and I see a familiar skill, hmm :scorv:


Not only this is familiar:

  • In Cairn once you build a bridge it’s abiding

  • you often tilt after reading patch notes.

  • no posts on the release day because :zantai: was busy at the time?

Could it be :zantai:'s secret project?




I don’t believe it is from Zantai… Early access and still some working builds? Naah he would start from dead builds to save himself from nerfing problems…


That’s the Librarian class from Diablo III, I guess! :slight_smile: (you die when the book returns and slams into your face, every time, though).

A worse for wear? You are literally standing in an Aetherial up to the neck, Wilfor, way to downplay the situation. :smiley: