Grim Dawn - Multiplayer and Itemization

What if when we logged in and chose multiplayer it took us to a chat channel and there were ladders, something similar to Diablo 2’s multiplayer? I think that would be pretty sick.

My hardcore characters keep dying (but I’m still having a great time) so I’m not super familiar with late game itemization, how do you all feel this is? Is it like Diablo 2 where you can hope for item x for days or weeks sometimes? I really like in D2 I’m always hoping for something like an Ohm rune or shako (and before that the easier found mid runes and some runeword bases) when ladder seasons reset.

Ladders and seasons aren’t really a GD thing since it’s not on closed servers. Plus development on the game has pretty much finished now.

Still you might be interested in this

I mean, you can make your own resets anytime you want. And no, there’re no “absolute BiS” items in GD like Shako or Enigma. Generally speaking, GD has a lot more valuable items and to compensate that, drops are more generous. Too generous, I might add, when it comes to epics and legendaries.