Your login name is just your display name in my server.
You can opt-in to the ladder of your choice. Or both.
This community league is ranked ladder play with the choice of playing SSFHC (solo self found hardcore) or in the SC Trade (softcore trade) ladders. We will be using a seasonal/league mod made by SeriousStan in which bosses and achievements will award tokens that can be redeemed in game for points. The points are then manually tracked on on a per player basis. The scorecards are displayed on the website currently but are subject to change a bit until we are done beta testing the mod.
The league play is mostly vanilla gameplay. However players will start with some XP tonics, faction mandates, SR recipes, and a few other goodies. This league will also boast three new super bosses. The About section on the website has a ton more info. Full seasonal notes and more information will follow as the release date approaches.
Come test your epic gamer skills in the world of Cairn!
Also big shout-out to GroundZero for the website. It is awesome and even has build upload sections. The league end will almost serve as a source for powerful builds permitted people keep their GT links up to date.
i don’t think this is my kinda thing, nor do i think i’ll be “enough” avail to participate when s2 starts either sadly, tho i’m super glad to see this going on and keeping things “alive”, awesome community
however i am “curious” perhaps in what factors might play in if you would care to indulge me.
The way i understand it is, it’s sorta a way to test builder/leveling prowess, making good SSF builds, capable of “elite builder” feats perhaps, going the route of possibly including target farmable items to reduce some of the RNG hell a regular strong build might rely on etc etc
but aside from tokens/points via some boss kills/SR ranges reached, are there other “awarding”/ranking attributing factors?, like speed leveling, speed killing, obvious HC has not dying as an overall factor, but how do you distinguish between ex a pet/retal build accomplishing 1 feat that would be “harder” on another, and how do you account for “luck” via regular RNGesus or mutator or even boss fishing? (obviously i’m assuming people aren’t doing stuff like scripting crucible mutators and such)
while it might not exactly be super important to have an answer on from a non-participating pov, it did make me curious as the league starting kinda made me consider doing a “clean” run again. And thought maybe incorporating some league “parameters” could not only help to make it a bit interesting; but also to “force” me to pay more attention and weight to certain aspects of my own “unranked” playthrough
We are not doing anything speed/racing related, as everyone has different availability.
There is no distinction between builds. Scoring is across all your characters for the league. “You current character is a bad match for boss X?” - create one that can beat the boss
Mutator/Boss fish at will
We do have a solution via GDStash to transfer the character to main campaign, so if you are feeling up to it, you can do a fresh start for the league
This is Solo. The softcore ladder will have trading, that is about it.
This one should last 2 months.
The only requirements for sign up is to be in Mike’s discord and sign up the website. Can be done at any time: before or during the event. You can sing up and play for a week if you wanted to.
not sure how many avg players use the official forum, or ex know these things were happening. Was thinking, is it an idea to post it on the Steam forum/ok if i do that? (for ex the more casual “drive by” players)