Grim Dawn Noob but great Fan need your help with Primal Strike

Hi Everybody,

since last week i play Grim Dawn and i have to say this game is just a blast. Since years i havent so much fun with a video game, and iam very addicted right now.

I started with a Video from RektbyProtoss and playing a Shaman with Primal strike as Melee Character.

Iam now Level 45 and the point to choose a second class comes closer and closer.

I really like this Thor Feeling with a twohanded weapon and the lighting element.

Could you please tell me the best second class to play a tanky thor warrior in Grim Dawn?
That would be so awesome. I really try to find this for myself but there are so many class cominations and guides and builds that iam just confused right now…

NEED YOUR HELP!!! :slight_smile:



Welcome to the game and to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

This might help you.


Archons are best since last patch. Warder is the classic.

I played Archon PS and it struggled, Warder still feels better to me.