Grim Dawn - Sunder Red Glow - Zantai

Hello Crate, Zantai

Thank you for making a great ARPG, it help me through hard times in life.

Since you are kind and added many new features to the game which is much appreciated, is it possible to add an option in the menu to disable the Sunder glow effect when you get sunder?

The reddish glow is too much to be honest, can’t you design something around that instead of making the entire screen glow red in the corners?

I was thinking maybe add an effect over your health bar indicating you get sunder rather than the existing one.

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Hey hi! Welcome to the forum.

As of game version, Screen Edge effects can now be toggled in the game options.

To find it in-game:

  • Options Menu
  • Interface tab
  • untick Screen Effects

The glow around the screen will be disabled.
Even if you disable this option, there are still ways to know when your character got sundered:

  • Sundered debuff icon appears above your energy bar
  • Glowing circle above the character’s head

Thanks man!

Wasn’t aware of this, thought screen effect was related to other features… :frowning:

They should change it to Sunder Screen Effects.

There is a problem with this setting. It disables “low health” border effect too! Which I don’t remember anybody asking for.

:crate:: We introduce “sunder” - a new curse with exclusive border effect!
:man:: I don’t know, it’s an overkill for me. Can I disable the effect?
:crate:: We heard you! We’ve added an option to disable all border effects.
:man:: Wait, no… Why? The “low health” warning was good. sigh