I was just getting used to 1.0.2 set of glitches!
wonders what new and exciting “features” she’ll encounter today
what the op said. I love this game and how well you guys support it. I usually don’t buy products on day one, but when it says “Crate Entertainment”… just take my money
I can’t seem to find it yet.
Anybody with GOG version of the game can confirm that patch is available to download?
I downloaded 2 gb from the new GD content but when is start the game i get only the old content?!?! I am confused
Same issue here.
I play on controller, with a melee build, and it’s very irritating :o
Magic-quality Suffixes with % Damage bonuses now boost both the flat damage and the dot equivalent (ex. a Suffix that previously increased % Fire damage now also increases % Burn damage). Magic Suffixes that boost only % dot damage can no longer drop.
How isn’t anyone shocked by these changes :rolleyes:.
I definitely support going that direction! Good job Crate! Keep the good work.
There was a separate patch for the base game, and new downloadable content for the expansion. So if you don’t have the new GD content either you have not completed the required quests i.e killing Loghorrean on the difficulty you’re in or you have not bought the expansion.
Yeah it is - https://www.gog.com/game/grim_dawn_ashes_of_malmouth
Please search properly next time.
Yup it’s there.
I just logged into GoG Galaxy, and it down loaded an over 200mb patch, my version now shows v1.0.2.1
Since this hotfix my performance went to hell, i was going steady 60 fps without drops with all in max to 30 fps when theres action on screen with stuff on medium now… :\
Great little update! The wife and I are having a lot of fun playing our Cabalist and Purifier characters.
Although, one little thing, my wife still can’t launch the game on her laptop. It doesn’t load beyond the initial Crate Entertainment screen, which I thought had been fixed by this hotfix, so she still has to use the /d3d9 launch option.
We already tried the fix you guys provided on the forum, validating the game files, running repair.exe and deleting the option.txt file, but it didn’t work.
She is playing on a laptop with an Nvidia Geforce 940M.
Any ideas?
Create a game profile for GD in the Nvidia Control Panel and ensure that it is set to use the correct GPU there? Perhaps GD is defaulting to the integrated card and causing the issue.
Thanks for the advice. We already made sure that it’s using the Nvidia card and not the integrated one.
Still not sure what’s causing the issue.
What happens exactly? Does it just hang? Crash completely? Do you get the crash reporter? Drivers are up-to-date?
Does anything different happen if you run GD directly from the installation folder? Maybe try reinstalling the C++ Redists & DirectX located @C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn_CommonRedist
It just hangs but when we close the program with task manager, we get the crash reporter. Also worth noting, the little Crate loading symbol doesn’t appear and the steam overlay pop-up message doesn’t appear either. Drivers are up-to-date.
We’re gonna try what you suggested and launch it through the folder, and otherwise reinstall the things you mentioned.
We tried launching through the install folder, which produced the same exact result, and we reinstalled the C++ Redists and Directx things. No dice.
Thanks for your help though, it’s much appreciated.
np… the only other idea is if you have an AV program installed to go in to its options and find the options to whitelist files/folders and whitelist these 2 locations:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn
C:\Users\your_username_here\Documents\my games\Grim Dawn
and then try again.
The laptop only has Windows Defender, and we checked that it’s not blocking the game. We even tried reinstalling the game, no dice again.
Thanks, this is fantastic. The darkness and skeleton issues were my main concerns and they were addressed almost immediately. You guys rock. We still have the problem with a few pets lagging behind, but that is significantly less problematic than these issues you guys took care of. Thanks for a great expansion and a quick hotfix for problems.