Grim Dawn v1.0.2.1

Yeah, hopefully that’s the case. :slight_smile:

Though I’m also getting some cases of 10fps less than before the hotfix now, so I hope it doesn’t get any worse. :eek:

Edit: Not just me, apparently.

I’ve gotten a few “big” patches but I never bought this specific DLC. Did buying the Beta in early 2014 add it automatically or something? How does the updates affect the base game + Crucible?

No. Unless you bought the Loyalist Edition from the website here or took part in one of the Kickstarter tiers that included it you haven’t got it and need to buy it. It affects the base game and Crucible when that’s updated with changes to some of the items, new items/devotions plus access to the 2 new masteries as well as a lot more content.

I don’t think so, it procs on block, and without a shield you would never block. It just can be binded to deadly aim now if you don’t have a proper aura or toggleable buff to bind it to.

After the big update which introduces us dlc, my fps got major drop. I was getting 50-60 fps in devils crossing and higher in other areas in very high now i’m getting 20-25 fps in devils crossing and around 30 in other areas which makes game unplayable. Anyone have this kind of fps impact as much as me?
Edit:My fps got lowered at thursday’s patch. This patch had none effect.

Backed this game during ealry access, never played it though. Just couldn’t bring myself to play it, found the skills boring tbh (I’d still back it because we need more ARPGS). Decided to double down and buy the expansion and I’m so glad I did. Necro was favourite class in D2 (well one of my two faves). So ended up using necro and raising them skellies. Get my fishymacner on. Hope the nerf isn’t too bad.

Thanks for this hotfix my game now is smooth as butter with the new dx11 renderer :cool:

Um, one handed range and shield - possibly. :undecided:

Guys, i’m from Belarus. after today’s update russian language in options has been lost :((. what can i do with it?

Nice! Thanks a lot for the hotfix! :slight_smile:

Especially these are super cool:

Anybody know when the patch will be available at GOG?

Play in English until the community translators update the Russian. From first page:

“To prevent quest progress issues which have been occuring for some users with out of date translation files, this patch resets the in-game language for all users to English. As soon as updated language files are posted by the community translators they will once again be available for download via the in game menu.”

Nope, not just you. I see it as well. It’s usually 10 fps or less but I’ve taking some hits into the 40’s and deeper during camera rotations. Lets hope it was an unintended accident due to little sleep :wink:

Doesn’t seem to have effected endgame for me. Cannot attest to whether it toned down early skele dps as I have no basis of comparison.

It is now available on GOG as well.

1.3 Gb patch? Is it normal?

Call the internet police!

Ye, they seemed mostly the same. Although I had them maxed out anw.

I’m serious :slight_smile: i had patch installed played yesterday night. Then I come home today and see patch for 1.3 Gb on Steam ! Wow! Why so heavy guys