Grim Dawn v1.1.1.1 Hotfix 2

Better news, the Hotfix seems to work.

No crashes.

BIG THX to devs. Heads up~

Yay. That should solve those frustrating crashes.
Thanks for solving as fast as possible.

Things appear to be fixed for me. I couldn’t reliably reproduce the issue, however.

Awsome! Now we only need a toggle option for skills in the hotbar to auto-cast. Like Pneumatic burst or Ascension on cooldown.

steam downloaded hotfix for me about 30 min ago, looking good. Thanks for the hard work guys!

You have done God’s work. Now I can spam my skills in peace.

Thank you guys! Just ran into this issue, came here to report it and saw that a fix is already on its way. Waiting for GOG to send it out, but you’re awesome <3

Is “ Hotfix 1b” on GOG the Version of this Thread (Hotfix2)?

Nope, that was from a few days ago. Hopefully Hotfix 2 will be up on GoG soon.


Hotfix seems to have fixed the initial crashing issues. Although the game hung up and crashed on me when I went to exit from the main menu.

Does anyone else feel like this patch hit performance at all? Maybe it was just that multiplayer session, but damn, I felt like I was back on XP sp3 compatibility mode.

…The Summon sounds are waaaaayyyyyy out of proportion. In town, and in the heat of the battle = same dB. I gather there is not much experience with summons in quiet surroundings. This is unbecoming for Grim Dawn caliber. I have many hours logged in game, and I simply have to unsummon summons in town!!!

…Summon Revenant of Og’Napesh (Granted by Item) has the same loud sound issue. It keeps on making this same weird sound on timed intervals, sooooo loud in a town!!!

…Please dynamically adjust the summon sounds based on (other dB sound) + (amount of other sounds), thank you.

What is the name of hotfix 2 on GOG? Hotfix 2

Ok thanks. I do not use GOG Galaxy. I hope Hotfix 2 comes soon for the offline installer…

I had a highly reliable repo which I tested against this hotfix. It works. :slight_smile:

Try using x64 mode, it’s a huge improvement for me.

Crate - takin’ care of bidness yet again.


  • You can now disable Voice/Text Error Messages (ex. I can’t cast that yet).

Been waiting for this.

I was very excited about the new dlc and I love the game very much, but the performance got bad again after the hotfix. After the release of the dlc the game ran smooth as hell, no 3 sec stutters, no performance drops on heavy fights anymore, 100 % gpu usage all the time and stable gameplay. Only issue was a crash after two hours. Since yesterday`s hotfix the stuttering is back and cpu/gpu usage is broken again. What’s the issue?

Thanks for hotfix, no issues so far :slight_smile: