Grim Dawn v1.1.2.5

Oh yes, that new zombies looks so nice, GJ Crate

Are these visual improvements a preparation for a new graphics engine? :confused:

Nice the zombies seem more serious, evil :slight_smile:

:confused: Wat :confused:

These zeds are sick :smiley:

great work guys!

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OOOOH shiit, iā€™m at work. Thanks for posting this

This is so Doom 2016. Great work.

The Furies I especially like

Still waiting for glowing Briarbutts

Iā€™m still waiting for my first ban.

And for devotions changing their color upon conversion, but that probably for GD2. :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m so fond of these zombies, especially the way they charge at us, spew all nasty kind of vomitus at us.
Z, could we have a Zombie Boss, Iā€™m not talking about other kinds of undead.
A legit ZOMBIE, even mindless thralls need a powerful leader.
Guess this might not fit in GD, most of them are controlled or reanimated by aetherial.
Canā€™t say they really have a consciousness of their own.

My frames also dropped. Had 40 - 60 FPS all the time, now it feels like I had under 30 all the time. Fighting small groups is a pain, when in I had no issues with small groups.

mine is fixed after i updated to latest driver with a restart at the end:p

Looks awesome, I like those fatty poison zombies :smiley:

Yeah, when you mentioned it, I checked my drivers. And yeah, my PC is living its own life because no one has been using my PC for about 3 months, and I re-installed my drivers about a month ago. My drivers are uninstalledā€¦

I uninstalled a program that I think it mightā€™ve removed them, but I bet my PCā€™s soul will do it againā€¦

Unpopular opinion? Would really prefer if you guys held off on the frequent updates, batched them and maybe quality controlled them a little better.

Not trying to throw shade but as a controller user who also likes to use grim internals the frequency and quality of the patches since has done more harm than good for my experience.

It can sometimes be frustrating when patching breaks mods, but a good way to prevent this is to set Steam to Offline mode. That will prevent patching until GI is updated.

Might not be the best solution, but it can help!

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It certainly is more reasonable than to expect bugs to remain in the game until a more convenient time / the next major patch

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Okay, after reinstalling drivers, trying to do God knows what, my PC still freezes and lags and drops frames more than in Iā€™m forced to play in Windowed mode now. And no, lowering the setting doesnā€™t do shit. Windowed runs like Iā€™d play before, but borderless and fullscreen both reduce my FPS and apply additional unneeded freezes which only happened when my PC fully uninstalled drivers for some reason.

Thereā€™s either something with this patch or my PC just wants its coffin more than ever. Itā€™s weird as fuck, though, that it happened the same time as hit and that updating drivers made my music no longer remix when launching GD but GD runs way worse.

Run this while playing GD next time:

If you get spikes over 300, you have a driver issue causing the lag-spikes.

Just bought FG likeā€¦not even 5 minutes ago, 13 bucks is an insane deal!!!
Time to explore the Korvan Wastes!!!

Were Bone Rats updated too? They look wicked gnarly now with sideburns. :smiley:

Also pretty sure Tainted Hounds did not look this horrifying before either. Itā€™s like one dog head is biting the top if the other! Yikes!