Grim Dawn v1.2.1.0 Playtest Changelog

As promised, we are planning to push the next playtest build tonight. Changelog updated to latest.

The new Nemesis spawning system currently has a placeholder sound effect for the spawn triggering, which will be updated in a future build. It may also currently be possible for a Nemesis to spawn in unreachable areas. This is an issue we are aware of and working on.

A new option has been added to the game options menu for those that wish to use classic item tooltip behavior. This setting is off by default.


Slight delay, we’ll have the build up on Saturday.


Apologies for the delay. Build is now up in playtest.

Sometimes real life gets in the way of things (everything is fine).


Known issues:

  • Some monsters wielding 2h-ers t-pose. We are aware of Celestial Guardians, Statues (in the Crucible), Dreadguards, Trolls and Dromedaries. If you spot others, please report them as a bug.

  • Female PC does not have new animations for 2h mace/sword/axe yet. We are still porting the new animations over to the female rig. They will be in the next build. However, the Spear animation set is updated for the female PC.

  • Illusions do not swap animation sets for 2h-ers. This will be fixed in the next build.


A new build is on the way that should address reported issues. Changelog updated to latest.

Nemesis spawns have been tuned and the kill thresholds have been significantly increased. However, slaying monsters in Dangerous Domains will progress towards a Nemesis attack at an increased rate.

This update also includes further tuning to pets. Numbers are approaching a good point now overall with a better balance between sets and non-sets.

Finally, more 2h-ed melee animations have received a polish pass.


New build’s been up. Enjoy!