Grim Dawn Version (Hotfix 1)

Thanks for the hotfix!

No DLC of the World would change the overall game feeling, which Diablo 3 offers.
Blizz has to develope Diablo 4 or something totally new, but they won’t do that the next time (years?).
Frankly, i don’t care, because Grim Dawn is for me the Best ARPG i have played so far. And i have played the big ones all since Diablo 1 and a lot of the not so famous, too. :rolleyes:

Thx Crate for the Hotfix. You guys are awesome!!

I won’t be buying any new D3 DLC (not that I expect any) and most likely will not get D4 either. Blizard managed to move in a direction that made them completely irrelevant for me.

Seems to work for them, but it also works for me, I do not miss them :wink:

Still haven’t fixed the “Nanes Secret Stash” bug.

Yea, I can’t even play D3. Completely uninteresting

100% agree with you! Grim Dawn is the best ARPG and I’ve played them all.

Seriously? I haven’t played GD for monthes and I’m just getting back to Cairn. I’m surprised this bug isn’t solved yet.

It has but it’s not retroactive as far as i know. Meaning if you had it bugged in a particular difficulty, it’s not gonna be fixed in that difficulty.

Ok then. Make sense. Thanks !

helooo……where u beeing buddy ? missed the bus ?

Can you kindly cease asking for the release date for v1.0.6.0 in random topics? Based on one of the Praetorian’s comments in another topic, it hasn’t even gone into testing yet so will still be a few weeks. The estimate is currently late April/early May (possibly later).

No one knows when it will release, Crate will release it when it is ready. If you don’t have anything to do in the game as of now, might I recommend picking up another game for the next few weeks/month? :stuck_out_tongue: