Grim Dawn Version

About mines;

Zantai mentioned some of those changes some days ago and he said they will activate the moment they hit the ground rather then having to have an enemy walk by to activate it.
Is this true and just left out of the log or it is not?

Man, I can only get so…uhh…laser beam intensified.

Woaw, if this goes how I imagine from what I red on the Demo thread, this could be huuuuuuge and make it a really good support Mastery. Saboteur, Sorcerer, and Defiler, rejoice!

Tested new mines with this character , can confirm that they are now invulnerable and can propertly cast debuff.Its mostly noticeable during retarded trio spawns, as you can feel the dps increase from mines. Good news.
Bad news - they are still thermite memes. They bounce. They take time to deploy. They aren’t that good unless you can facetank.

BTW did 4 runs under 24 minutes, still had time left on buffs duration .:eek:

Great changes overall. Can’t comment on how viable new healing procs are gonna be, but Ghoul nerf will be felt for sure.

Demolitionist is not a meme anymore, wow, good times!

Sounds much better. They may still bounce but they last 18 seconds now also. I can live with the bouncing; targeting the floor and pulling monsters to it doesn’t usually take that long.

Idk if it’s the same but I unlocked the door in Normal and when I got to the in Elite it was already visually open but the text said “closed” (but I had a key already)

Ohh i can’t wait for the expansion!! will take even more time away from me but hell! who cares!!
Keep up the nice updates! we love u even more for it!(if the love was’t maxed out already :wink: )

That’s damn huge. Gonna use Demolitionist more now. Not even kidding.

I can only see lvl 1 giant blood atm since none of my character use it. If the scaling rate is the same then it seems to be doubled or so, the cooldown reduced 5 sec, bit of armor and extra % health regen on nodes.

Given the ghoul nerf the gap will be significantly less wide between the two constellations. I suspect regen will still take much more investment than life steal but it is a nice start imo.

idk about the current patch yet but I also saw this in the last patch. The door was always open visibly even when the door was locked, when interacting with the locked door it would close then do the usual unlock animation.

I have a few questions - can creeps debuff our characters on %healing ? Does it affect heath regen ?Does it affect ADCTH ?

26/16 Love overcap! :rolleyes:

great update, now some of my casters/rangers have +2k armor thanks to Solemn Watcher armor bonus.
Also I like the changes to Thermite mines. Opens up a few more possibilities which is always good. One of the clunkiest skill in the game but also one of the most useful now :smiley:

That is a good question. I’ve never witnessed a -health regeneration% debuff apply on my character but since players get that debuff maybe some monsters have it also.

%increased healing does not affect health regeneration, it does affect adcth and other healing effects. Wasn’t it made this way to prevent double dipping?

Inquisitor seal + behemoth node alone reach +100% health regen. I would expect regen to work best alongside defences such as inquisitor seal.

Just found the debuff on Thalonis. -% health regen does exist :frowning:
Bloodsworn Curse
The curse of the Bloodsworn saps your willingness to fight off the corrupting powers of the void, reducing resistances, regeneration and Offensive Ability.
41 Energy Cost
8 Second Duration
5 Meter Radius
-10% Offensive Ability
Increases Health Regeneration by -77%
-48% Movement Speed
-25% Poison & Acid Resistance
-25% Vitality Resistance
-25% Chaos Resistance

Fixed a bug where pets (and monsters) would sometimes try to attack enemies which should not normally be targeted.

Oh, so that was why sometimes my pets would start to attack those Aether vortices and the unkilleable roots in Ugdenbog!

Exorcised the Depraved Sanctuary door so that it no longer appears open when it is in fact not.

That bigged me since the Alpha! Thank you!!! :smiley: Felt wrong clicking on the open door to open it.

Fixed an issue where player pets would suffer from negative health regeneration (and thus rapidly perish) when affected by certain monster debuffs (ex. Aetherial Regurgitator’s aura).

I noticed that those were the only enemies who could - but would, and quickly - kill Nemesis and Deathstalker. That explains it!

Just tested new Behemoth in Crucible - didn’t noticed any difference from what was before. Still lightyears behind ADCTH. :eek:

What was the flat regen value on lvl 25 giant blood? I guess I am not that surprised though. My suggestion in the thread was a buff of x6 to the regen value and I calculated even that wouldn’t come all that close to adcth.

Eye of Dominion: reduced % Max Resist for pets to 5%

Lol no wonder my pets are dead within Seconds, sucks btw

440 flat regen at lvl 25.
W/o butchering my build I can reach 1500 health regen/second under Giant blood.

Legendary - Eye of Dominion: reduced % Max Resist for pets to 5%

No more pets with 100% Resists? Why you have to do this to us, Bantai? I’m guessing it’d be too auto-easy for Shattered Realms to have this (I don’t know anyone who ran that devotion-setup and got notable times in Crucible).

First you kill Retaliation pets, now you kill Immortal pets. What’s next? Killing the random pet bonuses with Soldier gear meme? You’re no fun.