Grim Dawn Version (Hotfix 4)

This randomly happens to me as well. Controller user here, not sure if relevant.

Is fix for the SR Vendor bug (on steam) scheduled? I still can’t buy the Shattered Realm Set.

at this hotfix rate version could be reality soon :stuck_out_tongue: on more serious note when do you remove level requirement for gear? its quite annoying when my lvl34 character meets requirement to put on lvl66 item but she cant coz level :sad:

This would literally make your character oneshot everything and melt bosses under a second. Or make you literally immune to damage at some point.

they could increase attr requirement for stronger items to avoid this :slight_smile:

It would require too much work for literally no change at this point. Lower levels would be way too easy while higher would not be changed. Also, they’d have to waste few hours at best when they could be doing something way more important that would actually be worth doing. They’re not a huge team like Blizzard, so they can’t just do anything we want, wasting time for QoL change that would affect 1% of the player base (so basically under 100 people, probably).



on transmog ui this version can not use right analog to switch page on left right with R analog

but before it could change page with R analog with left right push on R analog