Grim Dawn Version

It’s no secret that mad_lee and I don’t like each other. I’m putting that aside and joining him in a vendetta against whichever idiot thought this change was a good idea. Why put acid > pierce on a belt used on almost every cold nightblade build? This doesn’t enable builds, it just indirectly nerfs cold…which can be done in a large list of ways that arn’t this stupid.
Edit; Talking about spellbreaker belt since it doesn’t show the reply chain

I always wanted invisible hat, weapons, offhands, shoulders, gloves, boots, pants, chests illusions. Would be fun running naked but still having items. :sailboat::pirate_flag:

Because each patch they have to add at least one change that makes me question the understanding the balance dev(s) have for their own game.

Lots of pretty good stuff with the balance changes.

-Addition of cast/attack speed on less desirable relics (or already BiS ones because why not…) is great, might consider at least Oblivion on Obsidian Tremor builds.
-Discontinued Conduit bonuses added to unique items or MIs looking nice.
-Faction augments made more focused with their stats looks great, might have to tweak some builds to account for loss of energy regen though…
-Buffs on less desirable uniques always nice, pants and boots thread wasn’t ignored :slight_smile: . Also Star Pact treatment to NB belt…
-Kraken really becoming more and more a mandatory 5+ points tax to play 2h builds.
-Need to look at the stats but Chaos side of abom possibly able to compete with hourglass or other blue constellations would be really welcome. Maybe the terrible t1 green constellations such as raven could have a look at?
-Time to test untransmuted BA again…
-Really happy about Canister Bomb cd rebalance with it’s modifiers.
-Finally the conversion on IEE made optional :’)
-More physical resist for Occultist not a luxury, ultimate levels of guardian were terrible. Time to test Doom Bolt again…
-Stormcaller more desirable, were WD really THAT over the top?
-N̶o̶ ̶"̶t̶h̶e̶r̶m̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶m̶i̶n̶e̶s̶ ̶m̶a̶d̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶n̶o̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶u̶s̶e̶"̶ ̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ edit: Didn’t do my homework

sadly Crate clearly did not do their research well on this loyaltist pack . Most if not all of the community players wanted to have a no clothes feature. Last time I checked too, most popular games that have naked scenes sell like hotcakes :wink:

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Missed that one, ty!

edit: BWC fx is dope now, lightning ones too

Now, I’m not going to tell you how to do you but didn’t someone, not so very long ago, get banned into the dirt and then some for demanding naked things in the game?


Hmmmmmmm. :scorv::zantai:

Blazeheart: reclassified as a Dagger, values adjusted accordingly.

Thanks, now I have to waste a respec potion to wear it due to now having 495 spirit req :angry:


Thank you for the patch Crate!

You play as much if not more than I do, don’t you have stacks of these sitting around by now?

No, now I need to farm a few more.

The unwarranted crusade against the most fun builds continues - that is like the 5th or 6th nerf to Deathmarked set. Aparently i am mistaking GD for a non-competitive single player game where i can make fun builds and enjoy them while it is a League competing game where if one build pulls ahead it must be cut and hammered until it is equal to the rest. You cant be different!

Uncalled nerf to Vilepact.

And the cherry on top - Spellbreaker belt 50% acid to pierce…

Chaos AAR Warlock still got zero in terms of RR etc etc.

Bought the loayltist pack though but that was before i read the patch notes…

Great changes. Especially the cooldown reduction on both Doom Bolt and Canister Bomb.


I might have missed something but is the new starting location on the Conclave map in SR an intended change?
Or maybe one of the new anomaly :wink:

Anyway great patch and thanks for the new Loyalist Item Pack

Fantastic changes! Couldn’t be happier!

Overeactions like this is why we don’t do changelogs in advance anymore.

What changed? I did notice there’s something off about them, so I reset them for a future update, but when I tested, I spawned in the expected position.


Too bad, we had lots of fun flipping tables.

The GOG Patch should now be available through GOG Galaxy.

I think my char spawned a bit closer to the center of the map which resulted in instant aggro to all of the bosses (I wrote “think” because I’m not really sure the spawn point was really lower before the patch). Happened at SR 75 and 76 with multiple deaths. I’ll try a few more SR to see.
Anyway if that is something intended to break the “aggro abuse” I’m fine with it, just surprised.