Grim Dawn Version

I might have missed something but is the new starting location on the Conclave map in SR an intended change?
Or maybe one of the new anomaly :wink:

Anyway great patch and thanks for the new Loyalist Item Pack

Fantastic changes! Couldnā€™t be happier!

Overeactions like this is why we donā€™t do changelogs in advance anymore.

What changed? I did notice thereā€™s something off about them, so I reset them for a future update, but when I tested, I spawned in the expected position.


Too bad, we had lots of fun flipping tables.

The GOG Patch should now be available through GOG Galaxy.

I think my char spawned a bit closer to the center of the map which resulted in instant aggro to all of the bosses (I wrote ā€œthinkā€ because Iā€™m not really sure the spawn point was really lower before the patch). Happened at SR 75 and 76 with multiple deaths. Iā€™ll try a few more SR to see.
Anyway if that is something intended to break the ā€œaggro abuseā€ Iā€™m fine with it, just surprised.

The spawn location moving was definitely not deliberate. Weā€™ll look into it.

The new Blade Spirits, ABB and Ring of Steel are looking awesome! :ok_hand: :green_heart: Itā€™s great getting back into the game and immediatly being treated with a visual upgrade on my favorite char.

I have one question regarding this change:

What was the rational behind this decision? I havenā€™t leveled a Dervish yet, Iā€™m just asking out of curiosity.

Thanks for the patch!

In this case, being different meant being too good. And Deathmarked was too good.

The reasoning i have for this is to make Dervish less of an obvious choice, and thus make Witch Hunter a somewhat equal option. Dervish is still probably the best choice, but the gap between both is no longer as wide.

GOG Galaxy now has the patch so enjoy.

Primal strike looks sick!

Loyalist version 2 bought ofc

Maelstorm nerf again? :confused:
Primal Strike <3 thank you guys looks amazing


Awesome patch as usual crate! Sadly Deathguard set didnā€™t get any acid RR and Black Flame set didnā€™t get any additional chaos RR, but we got a bunch of juicy stuff like fire AAR, lightning CT, cold EoR, FoI and Horn of Gandalf buff! Also I really like the sword -> dagger changes for the -hearts and korvaakā€™s burning blade. Mostly buffs and very few, but deserved nerfsā€¦ thatā€™s how it should be done to satisfy the very sensitive arpg community :wink:

I do not understand nerfs to old skills like Maelstrom and Storm Box, those skills have been out for a very long time and is still not balanced? like, why do they deserve nerfs now and not earlier?

Donā€™t really understand too. I have never used Box, and not big deal to Maelstormā€¦

Thanks for Blight Fiend health buff, but can you do the same for skeletons?

Undocumented change
Celestial Skill from oleron : Blind fury got new fx and iTS DAMN NICE

  • Mythical Spellbreaker Waistguard: added 50% of Acid dealt as Pierce

is it really intended to convert to pierce? would make much more sense to convert to cold.

I donā€™t get it either. I mean, my dude goes to waves 160-170 crucible in ultimate and the impact of Maelstorm, if maxed, would beā€¦ pretty much zero. How is this skill even remotely OP is beyond me? Am I missing something?

Because it sure is a great way to powerlevel, devils+wards just swim through the game until levels 90+ on Ultimate, but is being newbfriendly (or powerlevel friendly) a thing to warrant nerfs? well IDK.

Oh and by the way, thanks Crate. Nice to see you supporting the game. But one MAJOR complaint, I mean, this troubled me since the 1.00 timesā€¦

why do those ā€œeye enemiesā€ (you know those act1 things that look like beholders) still sometimes simply disappear when killed rather than getting ragdolled? I mean, two years and itā€™s still like that! :wink:

Exactly, for my high tier geared builds, they do like no damage but for a beginner that is trying to plow through the main contentā€¦ why punish them?