Guys, since effects and FX and stuff got updated, I think it’s time to bring up the issue with high quality game effects again. I do not want to play with low quality graphic effects, but the problem is that with high quality effects everything just looks white. The ground basically becomes a big white mess in which you can’t see anything anymore. The effects are WAY too obscuring. I would like to have high quality effects without losing the ability to see something.
It neither looks good nor does it play good the way it is currently which is a shame because I am sure individually the effects look fine.
Or maybe there is just generally too many “cloud” stuff going on.
This is something the patchnotes refer to as ‘blowout’ and if you encounter it you should take note of what effects are involved and report it to Crate. They’ve actively been hunting blowout sources down the last few patches.
I have no idea how to quote posts in this new forum lol.
But I am actually surprised because. I mean. This happens like multiple times a second if you attack. You can’t really hunt it down because it’s everywhere. I can you show examples with my current character.
But I am generally not a fan of how much I already “glow” if I just activate auras. For example, why would “burning weapons” make my armor burn? What you actually can’t even see here are the weird arrows that go around the body from Field Command.
Nope, it’s worse, unless you need poison & bleed res, and dont need elemental/pierce. There are builds, who easily cap poison and bleed resists, you know…
As for DA, you can always get it from dreeg’s augment (+30 per slot), if your resists are already good.
Nope, Spellscorched Plating is worse. Literally the only thing it offers of worth is pierce res. Flat 100 health is low and elemental res is easy to get, for the most part. Ugdenbog Leather is pretty much the best component for boots, belt and gloves most of the time. Every other armor slot is occupied by living armor/sacred plating/ancient armor plate/prismatic diamond/sanctified bone.
From experience, poison resistance is usually a pain in the ass to cap unless you are an Occultist. The cases where i need pierce res are much less common.
Also, i can get both the DA from Leather and Dreeg’s Omen augment DA if i have my resistances capped.
The difference now compared to before is that spellscorched plating can actually be considered for something. Before it was Leather 100% of the time.
Others have already chimed in their thoughts on spellscorched. I do agree Titan Plating almost never gets used unless you are extremely desperate for pierce res. I’d rather take Golemborn boots to fix the res and only consider Titan Plating if it is still not enough.
It doesn’t help that it competes with head and torso slots, 2 of the most valuable slots in the game. Maybe if the restriction was loosened to allow it to be used on shoulders or even legs. And give it 12% armor absorption while we’re at it. As it is, you’re never picking Titan over the top 4 (Sanctified Bone, Prismatic Diamond, Sacred Plating, Living Armor). EDIT: Maybe get rid of the damage reflect reduction to make room for new stats. Nobody picks Titan for that stat.
I’ve seen Seal of Ancestry get a bit of love on builds with capped speed or needing the vit res. The granted skill is not bad well.
I’d really love to see some DA bonus added on both Titan plating and Seal of Ancestry, ideally replacing reflected damage reduction (on TP) and health (on SoA).
I think it would make those components a bit more desirable, since they are already oriented to defense.
There are many builds, that need pierce res. But Titan Plating is so weak (for an AoM endgame component), that it’s still not used, and those builds get pierce res elsewhere. It’s a clear indicator, that Titan Plating require buff, more than Spellcorched. And let’s not forget 2 jewelry AoM augments, that are almost never used too…
I wouldn’t call these components "trashy’’. Seal of Ancestry is useful, when you can stack multiple sources of absorb damage. With change of Spellscorch, Titan is less desirable, but I have used it in multiple builds. So it should be, different components BiS for some builds.